Hi I'm Tate

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Lylah's POV

I looked at the clock as the 4th period bell rang. Lunch is now commencing. Great. Lunch for me usually involves no lunch at all and a full half an hour of Nirvana or David Bowie, whatever I'm in the mood for on Mondays. I sat down at an empty table and put my ear buds in. I turned on Life On Mars and took out this book I was reading for fun. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see the boy from English. I smiled and he returned it.

"You have a really bad habit of sitting in other peoples seats huh?" He said. I giggled.

"Nope, just yours." I said. He sat down beside me and took out an apple.

"All you eat is an apple?" I asked.

"It's better than the air your chomping on over there." He said and smiled his adorable dimples at me.

"So, what's your name?" I asked.

"Tate. And your names Lylah right?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Is it short for Delylah?" He asked.

"Nope it's just Lylah." I said. He smiled.

"So you don't have a last name?" He said joking.

"It's Grinski, don't laugh." I said.

"Mines Langdon, don't laugh." He said and we smiled at each other once more.

"So where you from?" He asked.

"Oregon." I said.

"Oh, is it nice there?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess I mean-" I was cut off.

"Take a good look Iggy, it's not everyday you see two freaks at one table!" This one guy yelled. I looked at Tate, he had hate in his eyes. I did too. I didn't smoke since first period, so I was in edge. I banged my hands on the table loudly.

"Look Tate! It's not everyday you see a baboon in person, let alone a boy named Iggy!" I yelled. They looked like they could shit twinkies sideways. That sat back down in a huff while everyone laughed. I sat back down and looked at Tate who was staring at me.

"Like the T-Shirt?" I asked. He was turned red and looked at me.

"It's just that they are one of my favorites, besides Nirvana." He said, almost stuttering.

"Relax, I'm  not gonna bite." I said and smiled.

"It was my dad's shirt, I wanted him to be with me on the first day of school." I said.

"Oh, well your dad has really good taste in music." He said.

"Well he taught me everything I know." I smiled. "Nirvana is my favorite too, I also really like the cranberries. They're kinda new, but I love the singer's voice." I said.

"Oh my gosh, I know, with her Irish accent right?" He chuckled in amusement. "Your the only person that I know that likes them." He said.

"Your the only kid that seems to not run away at the first glance at me." I said.

"No ones running away from that." He mumbled and looked me up and down again. I coughed. He looked up at me like a dear in headlights.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing I was just asking if you wanted to hang out after school." He said, no, more like entreated.

"Yeah I'd love to."

The Noble War// Tate LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now