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Tate's POV

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Tate's POV

I looked her in the eyes as she screamed. And I pulled the trigger.

It was a pretty lonely night at my house. Addy was sleeping and my mother and her boyfriend were out. He had work in the morning at the stupid bank. It was nearing the end of the school year. I was happy but sad. I wouldn't get to see Lylah. And that makes me upset. She hadn't talked to me for 3 weeks, but I still feel her. I still love her. I'll watch her out of the corner of my eye. She sits with Kace and his buddies now. They're getting awful close. He makes her smile. And that's my job.

I laid my head on my pillow and wished for more dreams of Lylah taking me back.


I woke up and instantly dug through my back pack. I couldn't take the pain anymore. I made a decent line of coke and it instantly takes effect. I prepare for the noble war. I load the guns and set them on the bed. Gun after gun. I couldn't stop myself and let's just say, shits about to go down. I put on my black trench coat and do another small line. I put my black boots on and head out the door.

First stop: the bank, right after I filled a gallon of gasoline.

I stepped into the bank, straight faced. U completely ignored all the other employees. I walked all the way to the back office where Larry worked. I walked in.

"Hey buddy... Shouldn't you be in school?" He asked.

"I'm going right after." I replied.

"After what?" He questioned. I poured the gas all over his left side and struck the match. I walked out as if nothing happened, just listening to his screams of pain as he slowly burned.

I walked into school, like it was any other ordinary day. That was before I walked into English and shot the teacher. I shot a few kids. Everyone was screaming and running. Lylah was no where to be found, smart girl stayed home. I couldn't stop myself. I had no control. The darkness, it has me.

I entered the library after shooting the librarian. It was a constant game of hide and go seek. A blonde goth. A rocker dude. A nerd. A jock. I almost regretted killing the cheerleader under the table, seeing as how she pissed herself. She begged me. But I lined up the shot anyway, and killed her. I headed to a specific target. I knew he had Math first period.

I stormed into Mr. James's class and looked for him, pointing the gun at everyone, but moving along.

That is until I found Kace's face.

"Tate. Look man please!-" I cut him off by blasting his skull into bits. I walked out as people screamed.

I walked to the office, looking for the principle. It was time that he saw his daughter again.

However when I got there, I saw a certain head of red hair peeking out from behind a desk.

"Lylah." I said. You could hear a pin drop it was so silent.

"Come out."

The Noble War// Tate LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now