I Should Hate You

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Lylah's POV

"It's ok Lylah, I took care of them." Tate said.  Time froze as thousands of thoughts flustered about my brain.

Took care of them? What does that mean?

"What?" I squeaked out. I wanted my thoughts to be lies. He couldn't have. He's Tate. Sweet, kind, loving Tate.

"I- uh." That was all I needed to hear. My boyfriend. My love, was a murderer.

"Oh my god." I whispered. Images of Tate killing Chelsea and Jake flooded my mind.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed.

"Tate what did you do!?" I yelled.

"Lylah listen please." Tate said, trying to calm me down, but no avail.

"Tate please tell me you didn't. Say it isn't so! You tell me you didn't murder those innocent kids!" I yelled.

"Innocent! Lylah they hurt you!" Tate screeched.

"So you did!" I started to hyperventilate.

"Lylah it wasn't me it was the darkness." Tate said.

"Right! The darkness that fills your eyes anytime you're angry? Tate that's still a part of you. You fucking killed people." I said. He stood up and room a step towards me. I took a rushed step back.

"Lylah, I'm not going to hurt you. I love you." He said. I clamped my hands in the hair over my ears.

"Nonononono. Tate no. I can't do this. I won't." I said.

"No please." He said. I cut him off.

"No Tate! I should hate you! You killed people." I said.

"But you said-" Tate started, I cut him off again.

"It doesn't matter what I said! That was before I knew you killed people.

"But Lylah-" I cut him off yet again. By now, a river had made it's way down my cheeks.

"Get out." I said.

"Ly...." Tate sighed.

"Now! Before I call the cops!" I yelled.

"So you aren't going to call them?" Tate asked.

"Go away!" I said.

"But, you're my everything." He said. My heart was being slowly shredded.

"Go away." I said. My voice was breaking. He walked out in a slow sulky way.

Why aren't I calling the cops on him?

Because I love him.

How can you love him at a time like this?

I don't know. I honestly don't know.

What are you going to do?

Whatever I can to get over him. He can't be in my life anymore. Not after what he did.

Are you heartbroken.

No. My heart is demolished. Not broken.

I fell upon the bed, nearly dry heaving because of the crying I was doing. I cried harder than I probably ever have.

The only light I have ever known has been swallowed by darkness. And I can't save him. It's too late for that.

He's gone.

The Noble War// Tate LangdonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin