Don't You Die On Me

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Tate's POV

"You stay with me Ly, stay with me." I told her, opening the front gate. Her eyelids struggled to stay open. I was trying to keep it together for her. I carried her upstairs and into the white tiled bathroom. She was breathing quickly and heavily. She's lost a lot of blood. It was all over me. I put her down on the floor softly. She screamed at the pain.

"Lylah. Lylah I have to get the bullet out." I said.

"No! No! Please take me to the hospital!" She cried. My eyes watered.

"I can't risk that." I said. I lifted her shirt to show a nasty wound. The blood kept flowing. Straight on to the white tile. I cried. I thought it wouldn't be so bad once I saw it, but it must have gotten into her liver. She probably only had minutes left.

"I have to try." I said. I went into the cabinet and grabbed little scissors and pliers.

"Tate n-n-no." She breathed. I sat down and hesitantly put pressure in it. Blood ran down the side of her body and on to the floor and she screamed.

"It's too much blood." I dragged her lightly to the back tub and got in with her. I turned the shower head on and tried to wash excess blood away. When I could see what I was doing I tried to dig the half of the bullet I saw out.

"TAAAATTEEEE! NO!" She cried. Her body jumped as breaths entered and exited her lungs in a swift manor. She kept making these horrible noises of pain.

"Please baby stop screaming I'm trying to help you." I said. I ripped half of the bullet out. She wailed. Blood started to make it's way out of her mouth.

I ruptured something. I fucked up. I did something wrong this shouldn't be happening. The water was still trickling over our already soaked bodies. I got under her and held her. She was getting weaker.

"Don't you die on me Lylah!" I yelled. I was choking on my sobs. Her eyes closed. Her body was slowly rising in tiny bursts.

"No." I said my voice breaking. "Don't you die." I said. "Don't you die on me!" I kept repeating.

"LYLAH!" I screamed. Her body stopped moving. All that could be heard were my sobs and the water falling. I sat up, pulling her into me. I moved her wet, but still somehow perfect hair out of her face. I left kisses on the back of her head.

"Your all I wanted." I choked. I frantically tried to wake her up. I cried at my aimless attempts to get her to open her eyes. Those beautiful green eyes.

"Please don't be gone. There had to be some life left! You have to live!" I screamed. This probably hurt more than getting shot.

My only love and I've failed her. I've failed everyone.

And she's dead because of me.

The Noble War// Tate LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now