It's Getting Weird

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Lylah's POV

"Mom!?" I yelled into the house, poking my head in the door. She didn't answer. Probably taking her afternoon nap. Then I heard her laughing.

"Mom?" I asked, walking deeper into the house.

"Oh Lylah. Come one we have a visitor." She said. I walked into the kitchen and saw Constance and her boyfriend.

"H-hi Mrs. Langdon." I stuttered.

"Oh, I haven't been Mrs. Langdon in 11 years Lylah, call me Constance." She said. She looked so nice, like she didn't try to kill me with a butter knife that one time I went to go see Tate.

"Ok." I simply answered. My mom smiled at her and Constance inhaled sharply.

"So why is she here?" I asked my mom. My mom gave me a look.

"She dropped off these cup cakes. Chocolate right?" My mother asked Constance.

"Double chocolate actually. But the real reason why I'm here is to talk to your charming daughter." Constance smiled at me.

"Oh well ok. I'll just show Larry around." My mom said, taking Larry with her.

"Take a seat darling." Constance said. I never took my eyes off her as I sat down.

"What did you wanna talk about?" I asked her.

"Tate. But you knew that. Don't ask questions you already know the answer to, your smarter than that." She said.

"What about him?" I said, poker face fully on. She squinted and smirked at me.

"Stay away from my boy." She said with her accent.

"Why? You can't just stay out of it, like the rest of his life?" I asked, pinged with anger.

"You don't really think I'm that selfish do you?" She asked.

"What?" I replied, perplexed.

"It's not that I don't like you two being together. I mean I don't, but it's not because of me. It's advice for you." She said.

"What?" I asked yet again.

"Christ woman, do you get nothing? Stay away from my son. He's confused. He doesn't know what he's doing anymore I've taken him to countless therapists and they all threaten to call the police because they think he is a danger to society, assholes..." She muttered.

"Therapists? Tate never told me anything about any therapists." I said to her.

"Tate doesn't tell you about a lot of things." Constance said, taking out a cigarette. "Mind if I smoke?" She said, already lighting  it anyway. I rolled my eyes

"And a danger to society? What the hell does that mean?" I asked.

"Honey you really don't know anything about him do you?" She said.

"Care to explain?" I asked.

"He has these-these fantasies..." She said. I got nervous.

"What kind?" I replied, quivering a bit.

"Oh don't worry dear, nothing that'll get your panties into a knot." She laughed. She stopped abruptly. "Well not unless your into murder." She said.

"What's going on Mrs. Lang- I mean Constance." I asked, shaking my head in confusion.

"He has fantasies about killing people, doll face, and if I was you I'd do anything I could to make sure I wasn't one of them." She took a pause. "Stay away from Tate."

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