Talk To Me

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Lylah POV

The hand immediately let go of my head. I also fell onto the desk and totally lost it. I cried and gasped for air. I for sure thought Tate was going to hurt the group, but instead he ran to me. He got on his knees to get on my level. I was gasping for air and tears fell freely from my eyes.

"Lylah. Lylah breathe." He said. I couldn't.

A panic attack.

I grabbed the edges of the desk and tried ceaselessly to stop, but I couldn't. I felt like I was drowning.

"Breathe Lylah. Come on, in through your nose-" he demonstrated. "And out through your mouth." He finished. I tried, but I failed.

"Baby you gotta breathe ok? Or you're gonna-" I cut him off by falling to the ground. I was writhing on it and digging my hands into the carpet. I felt like I was going to float away. I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me into his lap. He pushed chunks of hair out of my face and looked into my eyes. I grasped at my chest, leaving scratch marks.

"No. Lylah come on breathe." He said. The corners of my vision were filling in with darkness, slowly caving in. I felt myself going limp.

"Nonononono. Lylah breathe or you're going to-" I blacked out.

Tate's POV

"Lylah breathe or you're going to-" she cut me off by letting her head fall back. "Pass out." She was basically suffocating herself. I picked her up and carried her to the nurses office. I refused to leave her and crawled in her little bed by her side. I waited patiently for her to awaken. It was a good 45 minutes before she began to stir. She sat up and I put my hand lightly on her forearm.

"Tate?" She asked.

"Yeah Ly?" I replied.

"T-thank you." She said. The stood up slowly and I did too.

"Anyone with half a brain would have done it." I said.

"I have to g-go." She stuttered.

"Go? Why?" I asked.

"Tate this doesn't change anything. I mean, don't get me wrong, thank you so much for what you did. But, Tate. I can't be with you I just can't." She said, she took a step away.

"Lylah, wait. Can we just like talk about this?" I said.

"No, what's there to talk about you can't take back what you did and I can't be with you." She said.

"Please talk to me. I feel like if we just talk we can work this out." I said. I desperately wanted her to just listen. The tears started from my eyes. She slowly walked up to me.

"Tate I love you." She said. I smiled. Her face fell. "But I can't be with you." She finished.

"Ly. Please. You're the only light I've ever known." I said.

"This can't work. Tate after what you did... They were innocent.. They were kids like us." She said.

"They weren't anything like us." I said.

"Tate I have to go. Please, for your sake, leave me be." She said, before turning around and walking out.

Leaving me a mess.

The Noble War// Tate LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now