Monstrous Things

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Lylah POV

"Tate!!" Addy screamed. Thank god no one was here anymore. Aside from Violet who was in the backyard smoking. God I need a cigarette. Tate took a hold of Addy as Constance smiled.

"I need a babysitter today." She said in that accent of hers.

"Ok. But Addy isn't a baby." I said. Constance laughed and walked out the door.

"Lylah! Lylah Halloween is coming!" She yelled. I shushed her.

"Quiet Addy, Violet is home." I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh. Violet. I hate her, she's mean." Addy growled.

"Why is she mean?" I asked.

"She doesn't like me. She told me I'm ugly." Addy said.

"WHAT!?" Tate piped up. He went to take off up the stairs, but I grabbed him. He never did like bullies.

"You know what?" I asked Addy. She started to look down and I lifted her chin.

"What?" She asked.

"Well I think you look beautiful. And I think we can show her that." I said.

"On Halloween!?" She pleaded.

"On Halloween." I told her. Tate's fumes started to die down. I kisses his cheek and Addy giggled.

"I'm so glad you two are back together." She giggled.

"I am too." Tate said. Kissing my cheek.

"Ok. So what are we gonna be for Halloween?" I asked.

"Baaaabe." Tate whined.

"Whaaaat?" I mimicked him.

"Do we have to dress up?" He asked.

"Are you dumb!? Yes we have to dress up!" I yelled. He clamped his hand over my mouth while he laughed.

"Fine fine." He gave in.

"I wanna be a pretty girl. Like you Lylah." Addy blurted out.

"Addy.... You're beautiful." I said.

"Yeah Ad, I mean I can't disagree that Ly is fuckin gorgeous, but you're so pretty." Tate continued. I blushed a bit.

"Can you just do my make up?" Addy asked. I tisked before saying yes. And now here we are. I'm applying some goals asf makeup in my sister in law. Tate and I like to think we are gonna get married someday. Even though we won't really because well, we are dead. But who cares? Just more time to spend together.

"There. All done." I smiled at Addy.

"Lylah! I'm beautiful!" She squealed.

"You always were." I told her.

"Thank you!" She laughed. Then Constance came to pick her up, pulling in her ear to get the makeup off of her. I had to hold Tate back.

"So what do you wanna be?" He asked.

"What?" I replied.

"For Halloween." He answered.

"Oh... I don't know" I said.

"Oh... Well I have an idea." He said. I turned and smirked at him.

"And what would that be?" I asked him.

"Well. Um. Maybe you could be Sally because well, you have the hair. And I could be Jack. From the Nightmare Before Christmas." Tate said.

"That's a great idea!!!!!!" I yelled. He shushed me again, but this time by kissing me. I leaned even more into the kiss and he slowly pushed me against a wall.

Well. I think we know how this goes.

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