Rough Night

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Tate's POV

"Lylah?" I asked, walking out of the house and wiping my groggy eyes. No answer.

"Ly?" I asked again, this time receiving whimpers and sniffles as a response. I looked behind a little bush and saw her swelled up green eyes staring into mine with this sense of terror.

"Oh Tate." She crumbled (just like Maggie did when Jimmy saw her in the tent😂😂)

"Lylah, baby what's wrong?" I asked, getting down to look her directly in the eye.

"It's- it's-" Constance's screaming cut her off.

"NOT MY GIRL! NOT MY BABY GIRL! SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE LEFT!!! WHY GOD!? WHY!???" We heard her as  an ambulance drive away.

"What the-" I asked,taking a step towards the front gate to get a better look. Lylah grabbed my jeans.

"Tate n-no." She cracked. I pulled my leg from her grasp and she fell into another pile of tears.

"No." I said.

This can't be what I think it is.

The cops flooded the area, as the ambulance drove off, my mother driving after it.

"Lylah... Lylah what happened?" I asked her. She shook her head and took more shaky breaths.

"She didn't look." Lylah cried.

"Who didn't look?" I asked, hoping to god it wasn't who I thought it was.

"Tate please." She squeezed her eyes tight, pleading for me to stop asking her these questions. I grabbed her upper arm and lifted her harshly. She stood on shaken legs.

"WHO DIDN'T LOOK!?" I screamed at her, she looked down and cried more, pulled her into me, not in the nice way either. "Lylah I swear to god, answer me." I said through gritted teeth directly into her ear.

"Addy." She said. I thought I'd have to ask again because she was so quiet in saying it. But once it registered, I had no need to ask. I also had no need to shove, practically throw her to the ground, but I did that anyway. I could tell I scared her, maybe even hurt her a little, but she was still expecting me to fall to my knees and cry for my baby sister. I didn't though. I left her on the cold, damp grass and walked into the house. I opened up Ben's special cabinet and grabbed a huge bottle of gin. I didn't even get a shot glass. I took it up to my room. Well Violet's room, and started to drink.

"Rough night huh?" I hear a voice say. I turned to see a blurred Violet in the doorway.

"How did you know?" I asked sarcastically, slightly slurring.

"Well you've downed almost a whole fifth of gin. I only do that when I have bad days." She said. She walked to me and sat down, bringing the glass bottle to her lips and drinking.

"Oh gross, you picked the shitty kind." She said. I laughed a little, but then remembered what happened to my sister, causing me to become silent again.

"Hey Tate?" She slurred. Oh shit.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Where's your girlfriend this lovely evening?" She replied.

"Oh. Um. I don't know." I lied.

"Cool." Violet said, leaning over to me. She grabbed my shirt and kissed me.

And the sad thing is...

I kissed back.

The Noble War// Tate LangdonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin