Perfect Enough

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Lylas's POV

Tate walked me back to my house and kissed me on the cheek.

"See ya Monday." He said.

"Why not tomorrow?" I asked.

"My uh mom, her boyfriend is moving in and we have to help." He said. "I fuckin' hate the guy, but oh well." He finished.

"Oh, okay, well then I will see you Monday." I smiled. He smiled back and hugged me. He waved bye as he shut my little front gate. I walked in my house. It was cold because my mom was gone and she forgot to turn on the heater. I looked in the dining room table to find a note.

Lylah Rose,

You are in so much trouble young lady! We will talk about this when I get back, and when you feel the need to leave the house and not come back, you should at least inform me! I am so disappointed... I know you know better.



***Later That Night***

The door opened slowly, as if it was signaling that my death would take place and the same pace. I am so dead. My mom flew into the house like a bat out of hell.

"Lylah Rose!" She yelled. I meekly stepped into the foyer.

"Hi mom..." I said.

"Don't you 'hi mom' me, you are so grounded." She said as she put her stuff down and hung her coat up. She looked at me and saw the bruises. She gasped and put her hand to her mouth.

"Who did it?" She said, furiously.

"Mom..." I said.

"Who did it!?" She said.

"I'm not a snitch." I said.

"Was it that boy?" She asked.

"What boy?"

"That Tate kid!?" She shouted.

"No mom I went to his house after these three girls jumped me." I said. "He helped me ma." I said.

"What about that boy you went on the date with, where was he?" She asked.

"He left, it was a date ditch." I said, lying.

"Why? Why would girl jump you?" She asked.

"Because they don't like me mom!" I yelled.

"Why, you're nice, you dress nicely. You have all the qualities to be popular, Hun." She said.

"Because I hang out with Tate ma, they hate Tate, but he's the greatest friend I've ever had." I said. "And I smoke." I said.

"You what!?" She yelled.

"I smoke mom, ok? It calms my nerves." I said.

"You are quitting this instant, you are also grounded for 3 months." She demanded.

"What?! That's not fair, you're not even here to make sure I'm 'grounded'." I said.

"Young lady, don't argue with me... I'll... I'll... If you quit you won't be grounded, deal?" She said.

"Fine, deal." I said. She came over and hugged me.

"Bet those girls look worse than you do." She smiled. I smiled back.

"Dinner is in the microwave mom, I'm going to bed." I said. She kissed my forehead.

"Ok baby thank you, goodnight." She said.

"Night ma." I said as I walked up the stairs.

March 20th 1994

I walked into school and saw the 3 girls that beat me up were standing at my locker. I'd found out that the ring leader's name was Chelsea. They smirked and walked away. I rolled my eyes and opened my locker. A note fell out of the door. It was in Tate's handwriting. Yes I knew his handwriting, how do you think we passed our quizzes, he knew some and I knew the others.


When you get to English, ask Mr. Harmon if you can go to the bathroom. Meet me in the utilities room when you go.

~ Tate, duh

I laughed at the note and headed to English. About 5minutes passed when I walked up to his desk. His brown hair wiggled as he lifted his head to see me. He smiled.

"What do ya need Miss Grinski?" He asked.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I said.

"You could have went five minutes ago." He said.

"I know Mr. Harmon but I am having girl problems." I muttered.

"What?" He said.

"You know, girl problems." I said. He waved his hand.

"Go go go and next time don't ask." He said. He didn't look me in the eye as I left. I smirked once I got out. I walked down the hall and into the utilities room. I looked in and Tate was no where to be seen. Out of no where a hand cupped over my mouth. I gasped as I was gently pushed against the wall. I saw Tate's beautiful face.

"You scared me you asshole." I said. He smiled and kissed me. I kissed back and it got rougher and faster. He gripped my waist and I ran my finger through his hair. He sent his head down to my neck and kissed it. I moaned and he pulled back, smirking triumphantly.

"What was that I just heard?" He teased.

"Nothing." I said. I was embarrassed.

"It sounded a lot like a moan." He said.

"Really? I uh I didn't hear anything." I said.

"Whatever you liked the kiss."

"It was perfect." I said. Smirking.

"Perfect enough." He said.

"Do it again."

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