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Lylah's POV

I woke up at three in the morning and ran into the bathroom. I threw up in the toilet, holdings own hair back. Well now I don't have to go to school. There was a faint knock on the bathroom door.

"Beanie? You ok in there?" My mother asked in a gravelly voice. All she had to hear was the horrid sound of my regurgitated dinner hitting the toilet water, followed by my gagging. She walked in and held my hair back. This continued for about 15 minutes. I leaned back from the toilet.

"You done?" She asked sweetly. I only nodded.

"Here, let's go back to bed. You just get some rest today. I gotta go to work in like an hour anyway." She said.

"I'm sorry I woke you up." I said. She shook her head and smiled.

"It's ok, go get in bed." She said. I did as I was told and laid in my bed. I drifted to sleep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I smacked the alarm. My mom was already gone,left a note on the kitchen counter.


Stay in bed, I made you pancakes when you fell back to sleep, they are in the microwave. I'm going to try to get off of work early to come take care of you, but I know you can do it yourself. I love you.


I smiled and heated up my pancakes. I ate them alone.

What am I going to do today? I have no idea. I went back up the stairs and put a Nirvana cd in my stereo. Kurt Cobain's yells could be heard about all the house. I was feeling immensely better and walked around my house. I was so bored. I looked at my phone and read through what seemed like hundreds of texts messages. Each of them made my heart shatter a bit. I was sitting on the couch with my knees ticked into my chest.

How could I be so stupid? A boy like him.... And me? Just little, worthless me.

This break up was killing me. I didn't even know for sure if we were broken up. All I know is that I love him and I'm stupid for that. I rocked myself back and forth gently. I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up from the couch and ran my anxious fingers through my hair. I felt sick again, not the queasy sick, but the home sick, I was home sick even though I was home. Tate made me fell like I was home. Like I belonged. But the truth is: I don't belong. Not with a guy like him anyways. And somehow, in the midst of all this...

My dad came to mind. His bright green eyes that crinkled at the corners when he smiled. His warm chuckle. I smiled as I thought of him. He was my best friend. And I miss him more than anything.

I went I to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I didn't like what I saw. I wanted to get rid of it. I wanted to get rid of me.

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