It's All Going Wrong

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Tate's POV

"Tate?" Addy asked.

"Yeah-" I said, cut off by my gagging noises. I was sick. No school today for me. Not like my mother cared.

"Are you alright?" She asked. Her little stutter at the end made me smile at her care.

"Yeah, go to school ok Addy? I need you to go to school so you can get real smart." I said.

"Ok bye Tate." She said and her footprints went down the hall. I walked down stairs, and to my surprise, my drunken mother wasn't on the couch.

Maybe she made it to the bed this time. I went into the kitchen and made some toast. After I was eating I sat on the couch and looked at my phone, hoping to god that Lylah said something.

She didn't. And I couldn't get her off my god damn mind. I love her so much. I miss her so much. I need her so fucking much. Before her I was nothing. And now that she makes me something I can't loose her. I made a bold move and called her mother.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Mrs. Grinski?" I asked.

"Yes this is she, Tate is that you?" She questioned.

"Yeah I was just wondering if I could come for dinner tonight." I said. Why did I say that?

"Oh Tate, I have an extra shift tonight, and even if I didn't, Lylah doesn't feel well today, she is home, and sick." She said.

"Oh well tell her I hope she feels better." I said.

"Alright dear, catch you later." She said. I wish my mother sounded as sweet.

"Yeah." I smiled to myself.

"Tell her I hope she feels better."?? Really?

I could always tell her myself...

She is home, alone...

Is that too creepy?

Shut the fuck up and go, Tate.

And with that I got my shoes on and walked to her house. What if she's sleeping? I'll wake her up. She and I need to talk. Well not her. She just needs to listen. I didn't knock on the door. I climbed her front patio cover and walked to her window. It was always open. I crawled in her room and she wasn't there. I sat on her bed and waited patiently for her to arrive. I was running through what I would say when I heard a loud crash from downstairs. Naturally I went down to see if she was ok. Was I saw was horrifying. The door was open. The bathroom door. The mirror was broke. And Lylah, my love. Was slicing her wrist, slowly, drawing blood.

"Lylah!" I yelled. She turned around to see me and her face went pale. I ran to her and grabbed her wrist and sucked the bit of blood on her wrist. She pulled away.

"Gross." She said.

"It is,  you're mutilating yourself." I said. She rolled her eyes,as they filled with water.

"Go Tate." She sniffled.

"You and I both know that you don't want me to leave." I said. She looked at me, desperately.

"Tate... I-" She said.

"I know I was wrong and I made a mistake. I swear I won't ever do it again. Lylah I love you. I could never stop."

The Noble War// Tate LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now