Pictures Part 1

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Violet's POV

The house had some sort of darkness to it. Sure it had to do with the lot of people that died here but there's something deeper.

I walked into my room after getting bullied another full school day. It doesn't bother me too much, I mean I'm pretty bad ass when if comes to dealing with it if I do say so myself.

No you're not. You're broken.

I hear my voice tell me. Perhaps it wasn't my voice, it sounded different. Sad and broken, probably more than I was. I heard footsteps behind me. I did a 180 in the blink if an eye.

"Hello?" I asked.


I had heard these footprints and voices, sometimes sobs of sniffles. It's a sad house. I walked down to the basement, because there's usually some neat stuff down there. I felt something with me, but chose to ignore it. I pulled out huge, but light brick that opened up into a little places to hide things. I found it a week ago, but my mother called for me and I never really saw what was in it.

I grabbed a little cardboard box. I moved a piece of my light brown hair out of the way before reading the label.

Tate's Only. Keep out!!

"Sorry Tate." I giggled, opening the box up. I started pulling things out. The first thing was a little baggy of white powder.

"Holy shit... Cool." I smirked at the fact that I just found cocaine. I put my hand back in and pulled out some other stuff. There was a picture of a blonde boy and a girl with Down syndrome. They were both smiling and I smiled at the picture. What? It was cute. I turned it over to read.

Big brother and Little sister.

Tate and Addy 2/3/1994

Woah. 1994. That was like a while ago. I pulled out a few more pictures of this Tate and Addy. Then one caught my eye. It was a prom picture of a beautiful red head staring into who I presumed was Tate's eyes. They looked adorable. It was paper clipped to more.

One of them at the beach, kissing. At school, flipping the camera off. In a house, her sleeping in his arms. Him kissing her head. Them on the front steps of this house, smiling at each other and holding hands was the last one. There was a note on the back.

For my Lylah,

I can't believe it's been half a year already. I just wanted to let you know that even though we are so young, I feel like growing old with you. It's a rare thing to find love at this age, but we did. 6 months down, infinite more to go. I love you more than the stars Ly.

Forever and Always,
There was another picture on the back. Of Lylah I guess walking across the street. She was smiling and She was absolutely stunning.


Holy shit you're beautiful how did I get the privilege to love you?

Forever Yours- Tate

I almost cried reading that. It was so fuckin cute. I pulled out a black trench coat that was a bit dusty and crusty with an unknown liquid. And it seemed like there was nothing left but I looked a little deeper. Sure there were Nirvana CD's but that didn't distract me from he fact of what else was in the bottom of the box.

A gun.

The Noble War// Tate LangdonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum