The Backyard Meeting

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Lylah's POV

When the cops came it was an immediate murder-suicide. They pegged Patrick as the killer, which is kinda of ironic because he was the first to die.

Tate disappeared on me... The first time in years he had a shot at talking to me for a few moments, and he disappears. It's not like it means anything to me. He's still dead to me.

Well he actually is dead, but you get the gist.

I was currently walking down the hall when two certain little boys crossed my path, throwing pop-its on the floor.

"Morning boys." I smiled.

"Good morning miss Lylah." They said. They weren't such bad kids... Just like to make a little bit of trouble. It's normal at that age. Though I don't know how much more of them I can take. They went about their way.

"Hello dear, have you seen my baby?!" I was pulled out of my little thoughts by a hysterical Nora.

"For the last time, Nor, I haven't seen your baby." I said. I was nice about her frequent questioning at first, but a month into this endeavor, well let's just say it got really old really fast.

I walked passed more ghost. Like I was walking through time. It was like 2010 or 2011 now and time just goes by so quickly. But time never stops for us. It's an eternity of boredom quite frankly. The front door opened, showing a particularly happy Marcy. Marcy is the realtor for the house. A family walked in behind her. A beautiful woman. A gorgeous teenage girl. And-and Mr. Harmon!? He got old. He has- he has a daughter now? Wow.

I wonder if he will remember me. I watch the girl for a moment. Something draws her to the basement. Tate's longing soul probably.

Maybe he will make her fall for his trap. Maybe it will work out for them. Oh who am I kidding. There's only one person who's crazy matches his crazy. And as bad as it was, it was me. I don't even know if she's going to be living here, yet I feel a ping of envy under my heart. It was tiny, but it was there. I walk down the basement stairs. I just need to talk to him.

"Tate?" I whisper. No response.

"Tate?" I asked again. I hear a little shuffle of footsteps.

"Lylah? What are you doing down here? You shouldn't be here, you could get hurt." He said.

"I'm dead Tate." I reminded him. He looked at the ground.

"It it is very dark down here. Do you maybe wanna get some fresh air in the backyard?" I asked. "Maybe some sunlight?" I smiled a bit. Oh my god I'm smiling at Tate. I can't smile at Tate. I wipe the little one off my face and walk up the stairs.

"Wait wait." I hear Tate call. I walk passed the Harmon's as the youngest one says:

"We'll take it"


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