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Lylah's POV

"So have you made any new friends?" She asked as she ate the food I made her. I smiled as I thought about Tate.

"I wouldn't really expect you to with that shirt on." She chuckled. She said that this was her favorite shirt on dad, it was the shirt she met him in. They went to a Ramones concert and really hit it off. Then I showed up a year later. We were like a family from a corny TV show. It was perfect. Was... Until my dad died a little over a year ago. That's why we moved. My mom insisted she could still see dad in our house and it freaked her out. I saw him too. I believe in ghosts. I am comforted by them. I like them.

"Beanie?" Sh asked. I blinked out of my zone.

"Yes I did actually." I said smiling.

"Oh, details?" She said.

"His name is Tate."

"His? How did I know it was going to be a boy?" She giggled. "You never did like the girl drama."

"He's cool, we're walking to school tomorrow." I said.

"Nice. This is really good chicken by the way." She said.

"Thank you mom." I told her.

"No thank you, you are so strong to have to stay here all the time, by yourself." She said. She got up and hugged me.

"I'm going to bed mom." I said. She kissed my forehead.

"Night beanie." She said.

"Night mom." I said and walked up the stairs. I fell on the bed like a sack of potatoes. I was so tired, but I couldn't sleep. I was to busy thinking about what to wear. I actually had really nice clothes I just wanted to wear dad's shirt on the first day. What if Tate didn't want to be my friend because if the clothes I wear? Oh he'd never do that. He's different. I finally fell asleep so that when I woke up I'd have energy. And I wouldn't look so tired when I saw Tate.


January 5th 1994

I put on the outfit I wanted to which consisted of some skinny jeans, a black top that fit nice enough and I tied a flannel around my waist, in case it was chilly in one of my classes again. I tossed my wavy hair over to one side and applied minimal makeup. I heard a knock on the door.

"Beanie! Someone is here for you!" She yelled up the stairs. I face palmed myself at her using my nickname, and in front of Tate.

"Coming!" I said, throwing my converse on and practically tying them in the way down the stairs. I went down stairs and heard mom talking to Tate.

"I know she is pretty great huh?" She asked.

"Yeah, she's like my best friend." He said and I smiled and acted like I was casually coming down the stairs, not stumbling very fifth step.

"Hey Tate." I said and smiled ear to ear. He smiled back.

"Morning Ly." He said. I kissed my mum on the cheek and left with Tate. We walk for about 30 seconds in comfortable silence when Tate stared talking.

"Beanie?" He asked. I giggled.

"Yeah, instead of saying human beings when I was little, I said human beanies, and it stuck. Please don't laugh." I said, more like pleaded.

"Never, I think it's cool that your mom loves you." He said. Does his not love him? I brushed it off and continued to walk by his side.

"You look really great today." He said and I blushed a little.

"So I didn't look great yesterday?" I said sarcastically.

"No, I mean, you look great all the time, from what I can tell. I just wanted to let you know this time." He said and I smiled.

"I wish the people at school thought that." I said.

"Well who cares about them, they're just dumb high school assholes." He said. And I smiled at him.

"Yeah you're right. Maybe us freaks should just stick together." I said.

"Yeah I think we should." He said. We walked into hell, I mean school, nope, I mean hell.

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