[Soul Eater] Kid x Reader: Hero [Part 2]

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Kid fell on the ground weakly, your expression unchanged. "Liz, Patty, P/N, distract him!" You order. Liz and Patty had transformed into their human forms right before Kid jumped in front of you. Patty, giggling and bubbly despite the situation, transforms. Liz shoots at the man and knocks him away. (P/N) transforms his/her arm into a gun. "Don't worry. I'll take good care of this bastard." He/She states  before rushing in and firing at the man in rage.

"Kid. Kid, say something. Kid!" You keep repeating his name, hoping for some sort of response. He opens his golden eyes and looks into your (E/C) ones. "Good. You're alive." He smiles weakly. "Kid, you should be more concerned about yourself! Look at you!" He has a large gash from his left shoulder to his right hip. Suddenly, he pulls you close and hugs you tightly. Tears begin to form in your eyes.

Kid didn't seem to want to let go. He notices you crying. "Is something the matter?" He pulls away to look at your face. He wipes your never-ending tears. "I'm just happy you're alive." You respond.

"Aw man, that was all? Just one guy? Bummer." P/N sighs, holding the soul in his/her hand. "Liz, do you have the same amount of souls as Patty?" You ask. She nods. "Well, it brings me one step closer to our goal, right?" He/She eats the soul and sighs. "How's Kid?" Everyone looks to you. Kid went back to hugging you. "He won't get off." You laugh nervously. "This is new." Liz comments. "I think he likes you." P/N walks over at looks at the two of you. "Um, Kid. We've gotta get going." Kid nods and lets go. He stands up, his legs a bit wobbly. "Kid, just let us carry you, okay? You shouldn't strain yourself." Liz says, catching Kid as he falls. "I guess. I don't think I'll make it back, anyway." He sighs.

"Anyone have a mirror?" You ask. Liz pulls a small one out of her pocket. You take it and write Death's number. The reaper appears on the mirror. "Hey! Hi! What's up? How'd the mission go?" He asks in his goofy voice. "We finished the mission, but it didn't go as hoped." You sigh, rubbing the back of your head. "How so?" Death tilts his head to the side. "Well, some injuries were sustained and, um..."

"Your son almost died." P/N finishes your sentence. "P/N!" You yell. "Kid's fine, sir! He's just fine!" You lie. "I know you're lying." You hang your head. "It was worth a shot."

-Time Skip-

You make it back to the academy, and head to Lord Death's room. All your friends are in the room, with Maka and Soul on the left and Black*Star and Tsubaki on the right. Liz and Patty have Kid's arms over their shoulders. Upon seeing Kid's condition, Maka and Tsubaki gasp. "Kid, what happened!?" Maka asks. "Kid tried to play hero, that's what. Did a pretty good job doing it. I mean, if it weren't for him, Y/N would be the one with the gash. And I wouldn't see that ending well on my part." P/N answers. Maka looks to Soul, then back to you and Kid. "We should get Kid to the nurse's office." Tsubaki suggests.

You follow Liz and Patty as they bring Kid to the nurse. After the nurse patches him up, the group hugs him, except for Soul and Black*Star. Everyone lets go, except you. "Y/N, do you mind letting go?" He asks.

"I mind. I mind very much." You answer, giggling. You pull back and give Kid a peck on the cheek, a light pink dusting his face. You've forgotten about the others presence. "Oh my god! Finally! She did it!" P/N has known about your crush on Kid for a while. "Kyahahaha! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Patty chants. "P-P/N, Patty!" You glare at the two, who are making fools of themselves. You turn back to Kid. "Sorry, P/N doesn't know how to shut his/her-" You're interrupted by Kid's lips pressing against yours. Your face burns a bright red. After a few seconds, he breaks the kiss.

"Thank you for saving me back in the desert. I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there." You say, pulling him into a hug. "I didn't want to lose you." He rests his head on your shoulder. "Next time, warn me when you're gonna play hero."

I love how this came out. Now to start working on the Ed x Reader. Tomorrow.

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