[Ouran]Hitachin twins x Clumsy!Reader: Lost

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I got the idea after reading a yandere of these two. That and these two are my favorite Hosts, besides Tamaki and Honey. Also, people actually read this shit? My life is complete.

You walk to your class. You're late and you lose your footing on the stairs. You fall and hit your head on the floor, knocking you out. You wake up and the first things you seen are Hikaru and Kaoru on either side of you, looking straight into your eyes. "Are you okay, Y/N." The twins asked in unison. You sit up, rubbing the back of your head. "Yeah. I'm fine. What time is it?" The two think, then look at a clock on the wall. "10:45." They both turn back to you. "T-Ten!? Oh no! Oh nononono!" You realize you just slept through the second class of the day. You look around. You realize you're in the nurse's office.

"Anyway, how long have you two been here?" You ask. "Well, um, we've been here for about...how long, Hikaru?" Kaoru turns to his twin. "Hmm, we've been here since the beginning of second period." He answers. "Why's that?" You raise a brow. The two seem surprised by the question. "Um, because we wanted to, uh, make sure you were alright!" The two answer, a light pink dusting their faces. "Well, I'm heading to class. See ya." You say, heading out of the room.

-Time Skip to Club-
-Twins POV-
"How are we gonna get Y/N, Hikaru?" Kaoru looks to his twin. Hikaru is deep in thought. "Well, she usually comes here around this time, so maybe we can tell her how much we like her. She IS our regular." He states. The two here the door open, and turn to it, expecting to see the (h/c) haired female walk into the room. The two become disappointed to see one of Tamaki's regulars instead of theirs.

The two stared at the door, hoping to see their favorite regular. But she never comes. "Something must be up, Hikaru." Kaoru states, never tearing his eyes away from the door. "I know. She's usually here by now." Hikaru replies. The two stand up. "Finally they're doing something besides stare at the door. Are you two actually gonna work or..." Tamaki trails off as the twins walk out of the room. "HEY, DON'T IGNORE ME, I'M YOUR KING, DAMMIT!" The twins ignored Tamaki's screams and went off to find Y/N.

"You go this way, I'll go that way." The two go down separate halls. They can't find any sign of their regular. They both slump against a wall. "It's hopeless." Hikaru states, hanging his head. "We'll never find her." Kaoru heaves a sigh. "Hikaru? Kaoru?" The twins hear a familiar voice call their names. They both look up, then look down separate halls until they see their favorite regular searching frantically. The two run to her and hug her tightly.

"Where were you!?" Hikaru asks with a worried tone. "We've been worried sick about you!" Kaoru adds with the same tone as Hikaru. "I got lost again. I'm so sorry. I guess I'm still not used to this place." Y/N rubs the back of her head. "Don't scare us like that again!" The twins both exclaim. Her eyes widen. "Hikaru, Kaoru, you two love me, don't you?" The twins faces grow redder and redder with every word she says. "U-Um..." The two trip over their words and can't get them out of their mouths. "M-Maybe." Hikaru finally manages to utter. "I expected you to say that! And I've been waiting forever to-GAH!" (Y/N) trips on seemingly nothing, falling on top of the twins. They both seem even redder than they were before. "Hikaru? Kaoru? Where did you two go?" The two hear Tamaki's voice come closer and closer.

"What were you two doing!? Do you realize how many customers you ha-" Tamaki stops the moment he sees the twins on the ground with Y/N on top of the two. "What happened?!" Tamaki practically yells. "You know how Y/N is!" Kaoru exclaims. "She tripped and fell! That's all!" Hikaru finishes. "Anyway, why did you two just walk out like that!? You have at least twelve customers waiting for you guys!" Tamaki yells. "Well, when Y/N didn't show up when she usually did..." Hikaru starts. "We got worried and went to go find her." Kaoru continues. "I see. Well, let's get back to the club room, okay?" Tamaki begins to walk away. "Yes, boss!" The twins stand up, along with Y/N. "How about, from now on, we walk to the club together?" The twins suggest. "Sure. I don't want to make you two worry again." Y/N smiles. The twins each take one of her hands and walk back to the club room.

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