[Super Danganronpa 2] Nagito Komaeda x Reader: A Few Tears to Shed

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Is that picture too cute? I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. Just, LOOK AT IT! Anyway, this one will take place in Island Mode, because I'm going to have trouble writing for the trials considering there would be 17 people.
Y/T-Your talent

-At the hotel-
-Nagito's POV-
I could see Y/N walking to me out of the corner of my eye. She sat down next to me and looked at me with a smile. She's been hanging out with me for a few days, maybe even a week now. It really amazes me that she, the Ultimate Y/T, would want to hang out with someone like me.

I smiled back at her. "Where do you wanna go today?" She asked. I was a bit surprised. Usually I'm the one asking that question. I thought about it for a minute but I couldn't think of anywhere she'd want to go. "If you can decide, it's okay." She said. I nodded so she knew I heard. Where could we go that she would like? Maybe the beach? Movies? Amusement park? Gah, I don't know! How is she able to decide this stuff so easily? I looked at her. She was waiting patiently.

"Um, where would you like to go?" I asked. She thought for a second. "Wherever you want to go! I don't really mind where, just as long as we have fun there." She looked at me with a cheerful smile. She always had this calming presence. "Um, the beach, I guess."

"That's a great idea!" She said, standing up and grabbing my wrist. "Let's go!" I stood up before being dragged off to the beach.

-At the beach-
"Do you want to swim?" I asked. She quickly shook her head. "No, I'm good with just watching the waves." She replied, rubbing her arm. She always wore long sleeves, even on days when it was really hot. I always wondered why. I mean, even I take off my jacket every once in a while.

Ibuki was there, so Y/N was making sand castles with her. After a while, Ibuki left. Y/N walked over to me. "What do you wanna do now?" I asked. She yawned. "Sleep." I yawned too. I hadn't noticed how sleepy I'd been until now. We left the beach and went to our cottages. "If you need anything, just let me know." I said. She nodded, her smile bright. "Okay!" She quickly left to her cottage. What's she in such a hurry for? I wanted to go check on her, but I didn't want to invade her privacy. I eventually decided to check on her.

I peaked through the window. This was the first time I've seen her without her jacket on, and I could see why she wore it all the time. Her arms were covered in scars. She opened the drawer and picked up a knife. My eyes widened. What has she been doing to herself?! Putting two and two together, I quickly ran to the door and opened it, since she forgot to lock it. She was surprised before hurriedly hiding the knife and her arms.

"Oh, h-hi, Nagito! What are y-" I threw my arms around her. She said nothing. She hugged back, holding onto my jacket with an iron grip. She buried her face in my chest and I could hear her crying softly. I never thought I'd see her like this. It made me miss her smile. The bright smile that could make anyone happy.

Eventually, her tears stopped, leaving us in the comfort of each other's embrace. I didn't know what to say or do, so I didn't speak or move. "Nagito..." She looked up at me. "Why do you care about a nobody like me?" She surprised me with that question. "Wh-What kind of question is that? I care about you because you're the kindest person I've met. None of the others would ever hang out with me as much as you do. I don't know what I'd do without you. I... I love you!"

She gasped. I realized what I just said and my face began to heat up. I saw her face turn red as she looked down, her face hidden from view. She looked up with a smile. "I never thought I'd hear you say those words." She said. I closed the distance between us and kissed her. She melted into the kiss immediately. After a while, we parted for air. "Thank you for caring." She said, the smile I love so much on her face. "You're welcome."

Guess what? DANGANRONPA 3 AIRS TODAY *screams* *shot* Anyway, I was going to do Fuyuhiko and Gundam, buuuuuuut Iwasslackingoffandplayingmegamanxinsteadofwritingsorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! At least I managed to finish this one. I'll still do the other two, just don't expect them to be published any time soon.


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