[Hetalia] Italy x Reader: Short of Breath

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Note- C/N= country name. You can use the name of your country, use a country from a video game, anime, etc (ex: Amestris, Neptunia, etc), or you can make one up. Also, there might be feels. I'm just saying it now. Also, some Ameripan as well as a bit of Spamano, so yeah.

"Okay, now, let's get on with the meeting!" England yelled. I rolled my eyes. "C/N! You never speak at these meetings! You're becoming Canada!" America whisper-yelled to you. I looked at Canada, who waved at me. " I don't want to speak, Alfred. Can you leave me alone about it?" I said in a somewhat harsh tone. America backed away a bit. "F-fine!" He mumbled "geez, you're scary" and turned his attention to Austria, who was talking at the moment. These meetings are stupid and boring and they never go anywhere. The only upside is I get to see all of my friends. And Prussia. And Russia. Annnnd Egypt. They all hate me. Probably because I've got a bigger population than they do. But then again, I don't think Prussia has a population.

~Time Skip brought to you by the awesome Prussia~
The meeting was finally over. Thank god. France and England started fighting, and then Russia tried hit someone, and judging by the high pitch scream and begs for mercy, I assumed it was Italy. Germany and Russia started fighting and then I got involved and now I have this huge bruise on my cheek. Woohoo.

Of course, Italy was the first to notice. "C/N, are you okay? You have a bruise on your face." He said. "I'm fine. Should've seen it coming considering Russia did it." I sighed and leaned back. Part of me wanted to wage a war against Russia for it, but, with how badly my country is suffering, I decided it's not worth it. Besides, I was a bit afraid of Russia and his sister, Belarus. I liked Ukraine, though. She wasn't scary, just a bit weird.

Anyway, Russia had declared war on my country, but before I could decline, a sharp pain stopped me dead in my tracks. My vision started to darken as black dots filled it. I fell onto my side, clutching my chest as I heard someone calling my name. "C/N?! C/N!" My eyes started to close, even though I wanted them to stay open. I could faintly hear both America and Italy calling my name, Italy sounding more scared than anything else. I blacked out.

-Italy's POV-
My eyes were wide open, which was unusual for me. "Dude, this is bad. This is really, really bad." America bit his lip. "She must've come down with something, or maybe a disease is spreading in her country, or maybe her country's falling apart!" He sounded panicked. "Italy, vat are you doing in ze hallvay?" I turned around and saw Germany. "G-G-Germany! C-C/N was walking, and she just fell down! Russia didnt even hit her!" I stammered.

"Italy, calm down! She not going to die! Maybe. Hopefully. I don't know, dude!" America practically yelled, and England and Japan came. "Itary, what happened?" Japan asked. "C-C/N just fainted and I'm really scared that she'll leave us! Isn't there something, a-anything we can do!?" The four countries looked at me. They have never seen me acting like this. I've already lost Grandpa Rome and Holy Roman Empire, and I don't want C/N to be added to that list. Germany tried to assure me that everything was fine, but the fear and doubt I had stayed. Did my medication wear off?

I heard coughing, and turned around. C/N tried to stand up. I ran as fast as I could and hugged her. She stiffened. "I-Italy? Are you okay?" She tried to pull back. "I'm fine. I was just worried about you." I closed my eyes and softly whispered. "Tí amo..."

-C/N's POV-

As Italy held me, I could faintly hear him say something. When I realized what he said, I felt myself getting warmer. Italy had been teaching me his language so we could have our own little private conversations, so I could understand what he said. 'Tí amo' translated to... I love you. I will admit, I do have a crush on the cowardly country, but I didn't think he felt the same.

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