[Fullmetal Alchemist] Edward Elric x Sick! Reader: Slip Away

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I didn't use the same song as last time, wtf you talking about? Okay, I'm sorry, I just LOVE this song, okay!? I love The World Ends With You, okay!? Also, this takes place in winter. Note: Some hints of EdWin sprinkled in here and there. Another note: major spoilers.

You lay in a hospital bed. You've been deathly ill as of late. Ed would visit frequently. "Hey. How ya feeling?" He asks. "I don't know. How tall'd you get since last time you came here?" You laugh as Ed explodes in anger. You hear the door to your room open. A nurse walks in. "Miss L/N, I regret to inform you that you only have seven days left to live. You're being released out of the hospital so you may spend your final days however you wish." You exchange looks with Ed, who is equally surprised. "I...I'll go call Winry." Ed walks out of the room. "What illness is it?" You ask. "It's pretty rare. The most recent case was of a Trisha Elric." Your eyes widen. "Oh no...nonononono!" You hear Ed come in. He sees your panicked expression. "What's wrong?" You look up at him with a fake smile. "Nothing!"

"So, what does she have?" He asks. You don't want to see his expression once he hears the answer. "It's a rare one. The last case of it was ten years ago." His expression never changed. "Who was the last person with the disease?" He asks. "A women named Trisha Elric." Now his expression was different. It seemed to be a mix of sadness, horror, and surprise. The nurse looks up from her clipboard. "Is something wrong, sir? You look pale." He walks out rather quickly, probably to go find Alphonse who had went to the library instead of going to see you for the eleventh time this week.

-Ed's POV-
Why? Whywhywhy WHY!? Why does everyone I care about have to die before me!? First it was Mom, then Nina, then Hughes, and now Y/N. Enraged, I kick a pile of snow. I make my way to the library. Al is near the back. "Oh, how was the visit?" He asks. "Well, it turns out that Y/N only has seven days left until she's gone. And she has the same disease that took Mom."

"What!?" Al exclaims, rather loudly, I might add. "Al, we're in the library!" I whisper-yell. "Oh, right." He laughs nervously.

Me and Al leave the library and get back to the hospital. "Brother, what are we gonna do for the next seven days?" Al asks. "We're gonna give Y/N the best week of her life, that's what!" I answer. We run in. Y/N is in the lobby. "Ed! Al! Winry just called. She said she's heading here right now. Wanna come and wait with me?" Y/N asks, bubbly and smiling as if she wasn't just told she had a week left of her life. She had her (f/c) coat on. A matching scarf and hat covered her neck and forehead. Her mittens also matched her coat. Honestly, she looked adorable. I realize what I thought and brush it aside.

We wait at the station. A few minutes later, Winry arrives. "Winry! Why didn't you come here as soon as Ed called!? I only have a week left!" Y/N exclaims. She starts coughing a bit. "I'm fine, I'm fine." She says after the coughing dies down. "I'm sorry, it was just so sudden and I wanted to pack some things so our last days together would be enjoyable!" Winry answers Y/N's earlier question. We left to look for things to do.

-Your POV-
You walk with Ed and Winry next to you. Al was behind the group as he didn't want to take up the whole sidewalk. You bump into a certain colonel while walking. "Oh, hello Fullmetal. Who are these two ladies?" A man asks. He's wearing a military uniform and a dark coat over it. His dark hair was messy and his eyes were dark. Ed sighs. "Colonel, the girl with the ponytail is Winry, and the one next to me is Y/N. Now, can you please leave us alone?"

"Ed, let me talk to the man! I wanna get to know him!" You say. You've never met someone who was in the military before, except Ed, who is your childhood friend. "Hi, my name is Y/N. I'm Ed's childhood friend." You say. "Roy Mustang. What brings you to Central?" He asks. "We're trying to find something to do or some place to go and check out." You realize you're wasting valuable time. You also realize how tired you are. You start getting a bit dizzy. You use Ed as a support to keep you up. "Y/N, what's wrong!?" He asks, panicked. "I'm getting a bit dizzy...and sick." You hold your stomach. "Define what you mean by 'sick'."

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