[Evangelion] Shinji Ikari x Reader: Love Seeker

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"Shinji?" Y/N called from the other side of the door. She had asked the boy's other friends where he lived, seeing as she was the only one who had never been. She was surprised to see a purple haired woman in the door instead of the brunette boy she was looking for. "Oh, are you one of Shinji's friends?" The woman asked. "Y-Yeah. I'm Y/N. I wanted to ask Shinji if he wanted to hang out today."

"Oh. I'm Misato, Shinji's guardian. If you're looking for him, he's in his room. Have fun getting him out."

Y/N stepped in, slipping her shoes off and walking further into the apartment. "So, where's Shinji's room?" She asked. She took note of the amount of beer cans and trash bags in the apartment. "Pretty unhealthy living conditions for a guardian, huh, Misato?" She thought to herself. "It's over here. Follow me." Y/N followed the woman to a door with Shinji's name on a nameplate. "Shinji, Y/N's here to see you! She said she wanted to hang out with you!" Misato spoke through the door, not getting a response. She sighed and walked away. "Have fun." She said simply before turning out of sight.

Y/N opened the sliding door slightly, peaking in. Shinji was just laying in his futon, music player not too far from his hand. He was awake, so Y/N stepped in and closed the door behind her. "Hey." Shinji looked up at her for a few seconds before returning to his original position. She sat down in front of him, taking note of the earbuds in his ears. She tapped his shoulder, gesturing for him to take one out. He did as he was requested, no arguments or anything. "Something wrong?" Y/N asked, assuming he just had a bad day or wasn't feeling good. "No." He replied quietly. He seemed to just stare into space. "Don't lie to me, Shinji."

"Nothing's wrong." He replied, same soft tone as before. "Well, you wanna hang out with me, then?" She asked, offering a smile. "Sure." Shinji took out the other earbud after pausing his music. He sat up and let the blanket on top of him fall down to his waist. He stood up and let the blanket pool around his feet. The entire time, he was silent. Y/N didn't like it. She was hoping he'd at least say something besides a few small words.

"Hold on." She stood up and grabbed his wrist before he started opening the door. "Shinji, can I talk to you for a second?" This time he hesitated to answer. He didn't know what she wanted to talk to him about. Part of him wanted to run, but the other part was telling him he shouldn't be rude. He swallowed before giving the soft response of "Okay."

He sat on his knees in front of her, his thumbs fiddling around in anxiety. Y/N placed her hands on his, causing him to look up at her. "Shinji, you can tell me anything, you know. I'm not going to judge you or bully you or hate you. You know that, right?" He nodded in response. "Do you not trust me? Is that why you won't tell me anything?" He shook his head. "N-No, I do trust you, it's just...I don't know if I should..." His eyes went back to looking at his lap as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. "It's alright. I won't force you. But, if you want to tell me something, just say it. Whatever you say won't change the way I feel about you." She smiled kindly at the boy, who had glanced up to see her face.

After a few seconds of silence, Y/N stood up and went to pick up the blanket on the floor. "Y'know, whenever I was in a bad mood, my friend would wrap me in a blanket and hug me. Usually they would tell me it was okay for me to cry. And I would. I would cry and cry until I couldn't cry anymore. And usually I felt better after. It was nice being wrapped up in a warm blanket with a friend there hugging me. I think you could use it."

She draped the blanket on Shinji's shoulders and wrapped it around him so his body was completely covered, then wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He froze up at first. The warmth from the blanket and the arms around him made him feel safe and loved, but part of his mind told him he didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to feel loved, regardless of whether it was romantic or platonic.

He tried to pull away but Y/N held him tighter, preventing him from doing so. He accepted it. The fact someone cared enough to do this for him was enough to make him feel loved and accepted. He tried not to cry, biting his lip to fight back a sob. However, it all came crashing down when Y/N said a simple sentence. "It's okay to cry, Shinji."

He sobbed, hiding his face in her shoulder. Tears began forming in his eyes and he cried. He was so happy to have someone that would comfort him like this and hold him like this that he let his tears flow freely. He slipped his arms out from under the blanket and hugged her back, crying louder than earlier. A hand ran through his hair, making him feel so much safer and happier than he had ever felt before. This is all he had ever wanted.

Soon, his tears had run dry and his eyes were now red and puffy. "You feel better now, Shinji?" Y/N asked. "Yeah." He replied, his voice wavering. "Thank you so much." He hugged her tighter, burying his face in her shoulder. "You're welcome." She replied. "Hey, can I see your face for a second?" He didn't question this request, pulling back to let her look at him. She put her hands on his cheeks and kissed him gently, yet lovingly. He held his breath, pinching himself, thinking this was just a dream, that it was too good to be true. However, he was awake, and Y/N was indeed sitting in front of him and kissing him on the lips.

Y/N broke the kiss and smiled, opening her eyes to stare into his. "I love you, Shinji." She said lovingly. "I..." Shinji's throat felt tight. He tried to say those words to her, but he just couldn't get them off his tongue. "I..." He felt tears form in his eyes again, irritating his red and puffy skin. He swallowed, nervously moving close to kiss her, to show he felt the same. Once their lips made contact, the tears rolled down his cheeks and he hugged Y/N tighter than he had before, one hand moving to her back and clinging to her shirt.

The kiss was longer than the one before, but was as gentle as the last. Both acted as if being too rough would cause the other to break. When they parted, they both smiled at each other, even if Shinji's was a bit broken. He readjusted the blanket so it was over Y/N as well, wrapping both in it's warmth. Finally, the lump in his throat was gone, so he could finally say the words he desperately wanted to get out of his mouth.

"I love you too, Y/N."

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