[Danganronpa] Makoto Naegi x Reader: Ray of Hope

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If you have ever played Danganronpa, then you probably know about the Free Time events. If not, then look it up, cause I'm not explaining it to you. Anyway, let's begin!

BTW: This is after the second class trial, so play/watch someone play up to that point, please.

"Hey." Y/N looked up from the book she was reading. "Oh, hey, Makoto. Did you need something?" She asked, marking her page and closing the book. "I just wanted to talk, that's all." Makoto said, sitting next to her. "Well, what do you wanna talk about?" She asked. "I don't really know."

"What about your family?" Y/N asked, looking at the boy. "Well, there's my mom, my dad, and my sister, Komaru. We're just an average family, nothing really special about us." He sighed, resting his head on his hand. "If that's true, then why are you here?" He quickly glanced at her before looking back at the ground. "The school held a lottery and I won. Simple as that. I'm not anything special. I'm not the Ultimate Programmer like Fujisaki, or a the Ultimate Idol like Maizono. I'm just...me." Y/N gave a soft smile. "But that's what makes you special." Makoto looked up at her with wide eyes. "Huh?"

"There's no one else like you. That's what makes you special. As far as I know, there's only one Makoto Naegi on this earth." Makoto smiled. "Thanks." He leaned back. "You know, I'm worried that we're never gonna get out of here. We'll just keep killing and killing until there's no one left. What if we don't live?" Y/N didn't like the saddened look on his face. "Stop thinking like that!" She yelled, standing up. Makoto jumped, practically falling down. "Y-Y/N?" His eyes were wide with surprise. "Don't think like that. You're like a ray of hope in this place. It would crush the others seeing you like this." She sat back down, a frown etched on her face.

Crap! Did...Did I do something to upset her? Makoto bit his lip, trying to think of what to say or if he should say anything at all. He was never good in situations like this, especially when it was her. He put his arms around her, pulling her close.

"I-I don't really know what I did to make you upset, but, I'm sorry." He spoke softly, trying to comfort Y/N. She sighed. "It's okay. I just want to keep everyone's spirits up. We need to have hope if we want to escape with our lives." Makoto released her from the hug. The bells rang, meaning it was 10:00 and everyone had to head to their rooms. The two walked there together. "I'll see you tomorrow." Makoto said, waving to Y/N as she walked to her room. She waved back. The two went into their rooms.

It was late in the night, and Makoto still wasn't asleep. "I'm gonna get some water." He sighed, slightly frustrated. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get any sleep. He got up, left his room, and went to the kitchen. Asahina and Sakura were there when he arrived. "Oh, hi, Makoto! Can't sleep?" Asahina asked. "No, though with the recent events, you can't blame me. I mean, four people are already dead." Makoto said, filling a cup with water. He walked over to the table Asahina was sitting at and sat down. "Yeah, you have a point there." Asahina sighed, taking a sip of the tea she had made. Suddenly, a scream echoed throughout the halls. The two jumped, while Sakura was unfazed. Immediately, Makoto sprinted in the direction of the scream, the chair falling over as he did so. "H-Hey! Wait, Makoto!" Asahina yelled, running after him with Sakura right behind her.

Makoto found the source of the scream. Someone was trying to kill someone else. Makoto tried to see who it was, but the attacker was in the way. Asahina and Sakura caught up, Asahina out of breath. Makoto got an idea. "Sakura, can you do something for me?" Makoto whispered. Sakura nodded. "I want you to go and stop that person before they attack, okay?" He received another nodded from Sakura, who calmly walked over to the attacker, who turned out to be Ishimaru. She grabbed his wrist and dragged him away. The sword he held fell onto the floor. Makoto and Asahina ran to see who he attacked. Makoto froze. "Y-Y/N?" He fell to his knees. Y/N had a small cut on her cheek, but that one wasn't what concerned him. There was another one on her side, just above her hip. It appeared to be deep. He moved to her side. "Y/N! Y/N, wake up! Y/N!" She was still breathing, but it was faint. "We need to get her to the infirmary." Makoto stated. Asahina nodded. Makoto carried Y/N bridal style as he rushed to the infirmary.

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