[Hetalia] Italy x Damaged!Tsudere! Reader: Deep Sea Girl

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Inspired by boredom and Deep Sea Girl by Yuuyu. Thank you, Yuuyu, for making one of my favorite Vocaloid songs ever!

Sunk into a sea of grief, it's a bother to even open my eyes.

You looked around the room. Before you could settle down to draw, you heard someone's footsteps approaching.

And thus I'll be, endlessly falling-but won't anyone find me?

You looked up to see Italy. He looked at you in confusion. You felt yourself grow warm from his presence alone.

Where am I headed, what am I to do? Suddenly, a beam of light shine through.

You stood up, and Italy knew what was going to happen next. You were gonna yell at him about barging in on your alone time, then you were gonna leave.

I stuck out my hand and seemed to reach, but it was carried out of sight by the waves.

Italy was right, and you started to lash out at him. "Italy, I've told you a thousand times, at least knock before you enter! You know I like being alone, yet you always have to barge in!"

Just what was that, I wondered, so warm and dazzling?

You stormed out, leaving him to wonder why you always yell at him whenever you see him when Germany's not around. His instincts kicked in, telling him to follow you, but he didn't want to make you angrier.

An unconscious counter-illumination... And who's the liar?

Your face was bright red and you realized something- you left your sketchbook in that room. You ran back, grabbed the sketchbook, and left without so much as glancing at Italy, who was still in the room.

The deep sea girl, sinking ever still. Shut away beyond the darkness.

Italy looked at the door before he began to follow you, even though his mind was saying not to.

The deep sea girl, and yet she wants to know, because she's found the one who captivates her heart.

You didn't notice the cowardly country walking behind you as you stormed through the halls.

Even in this place with no noons or nights, sleepless nights continue on.

You found a nice room to sit in and draw before you noticed Italy. You growled, causing him to step back.

With your free wings spread wide, you were beautiful as you swam.

"Italy, can't you be like Canada and only show up when you're needed?!" You yelled.

And again the light poured down, and dazzled, we met eyes.

"Hey, that's rude, C/N." Canada said through the doorway. You glared at him, making him slowly back away from the door.

You who noticed and looked back toward me, an I, the liar...

"P-please, don't hurt me! I-I didn't mean to make you angry!" Italy cried, tears forming in his eyes. You sighed.

The deep sea girl, sinking willfully, red-cheeked in the midst of the darkness.

"Get out, Italy. Next time this happens, I will not be pleased." You glared at him. He nodded before running out of the room.

But the deep sea girl, who would bare her heart?

Italy watched you through the door. Why is she so mean to me? He asked himself. It was very clear to him that you didn't like him. Or, that's what he thinks.

The black sea would still not allow her the courage...

You noticed him watching you from afar. "Italy, I just told you-" Before you could start yelling, he latched onto you, begging you not to yell at him again.

My clothes have been dirtied so, my smile shamefully warped.

You pushed him off. "Italy, go away! I just want to be alone!" You yelled. "You always want to be alone! Especially when it comes to me!" He yelled in response.

Do I look like I want to get alone with anyone...?

"Get it through your thick damn skull! I don't want anyone else to get hurt! I don't want to lose anyone else!" Italy took a step back. "Please, just go..." He approached you cautiously. "Italy, stop it! Go away!" He took a few more steps before you yelled as loud as possible.

"Just leave me alone!"

You looked at the country, tears in your eyes. Seeing you cry surprised him, as you always put up a tough act around everyone.

I overflowed with feelings that I couldn't voice.

He put a hand on your shoulder. You slapped it off, but he put it back and lightly squeezed your shoulder.

And in the next moment, you suddenly vanished.

"It's okay. You're not the only one who lost someone" he said before wrapping his arms around you.

The uneasy girl, she hurried, the darkness hid him, keeping him all alone.

Italy was surprised as you put your arms around him hesitantly. You sobbed into his shoulder.

The unfree girl, she put out her hand.

He pulled away, wiping your tears. "Ve~ Don't cry. I don't like it when you cry." He smiled, opening his eyes. A smile formed on your face, causing him to smile wider. He said:

"See, you've been hiding brilliant colors, too..."

In a split second, your lips interlocked, bringing a huge blush to your face. You didn't resist, though. You'd secretly been waiting for him to make the first move.

The deep sea girl, pulling by the arm, sings a blessing of marine snow.

The two of you broke for air. Italy's curl made a heart shape. Your smile made Italy happy. You both stood up.

The deep sea girl, she wants to know more, because she's found the one who captivates her heart...

"Italy, I've been wanting to tell you this forever, but I could never find the words. I...I love you!" You exclaimed, hugging the now blushing Italian. She likes me after all. He hugged you as tightly as he could without hurting you.

Leave this sea, and now, fly away...

He softly smiled and touched his forehead to yours. You smiled back. "Tí amo, C-." You interrupted him. "Call me Y/N L/N." You told him. "Ve~! Then you can call me Feliciano Vargas." You giggled. "Can I call you Feli?" You asked. "Of course! But I get to call you (nickname)!" He smiled. "Okay. I guess you can. Tí amo, Feli!" Feli looked at you in confusion.

"When-where-what-when did you learn Italian?!" He asked. "When I met you. I asked Romano to teach me. I told him it had to stay a secret to everyone, including you. I did it just for you." You answered. He smiled. "Well, tí amo, (nickname)."

Okay, I'm tired. Good night, and see you next time!


-By the way, I'm doing Cloud from Final Fantasy, then Corrin from FE Fates, then America. And a request I feel like I should've turned down. Dammit.-

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