[My Hero Academia] Denki Kaminari x Reader: Sharing The World

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DENKI NEEDS MORE LOVE AND APPRECIATION OKAY. I mean he's so adorable??? And just??? I love him???

Y/N's quirk: Sharpened Blade [can make a blade from any non living thing, but the sharpness depends on the sturdiness of the object. For example, a foam weapon would have the sharpness of a butter knife, but a piece of metal would have the sharpness of a freshly sharpened sword. She wears a piece of metal like a piece of armor on her arm which she can sharpen at any given time. It basically works like Edward Elric's alchemy.]

Denki was the kind of guy Y/N loved. He could be really caring and cute, but he tries way too hard to come off as a smooth talker to his classmates. Plus he's a bit of a pervert. But he was still great company to Y/N. She was steadily growing feelings for him, and had been since middle school. They were childhood friends, after all.

Which made the incident at USJ all the more horrifying for both of them.

When Denki was certain his allies were completely safe, he used his full power and took out all of the villains. What he didn't know was that Y/N was there, fighting a group of villains who tried to ambush her. She was caught in the attack, and all she could feel were the constant burning shocks on her skin. After the seemingly endless sensation of electric shocks on her body ceased, she collapsed along with the villains that had been caught in the attack as well.

"Y/N!" Kyouka ran to the unconscious girl on the ground, seeing the burns from Denki's attack present on her body. Her back seemed to be the most effected, as her skin was blackened and there were even a few bumps. The piece of armor on her arm had broken off, its blade cutting into her arm. "The electricity must've caused damage to the tissue."

"I'll try my best to treat her." Momo said. "Do you even know how to treat electrical burns?!" Kyouka asked in confusion. "Don't worry, I've read through the Wikipedia article, I know what I'm doing." While Yaoyorozu tried to wake Y/N, Kyouka dealt with Denki's idiotic babbling, which was the result of him going over his wattage limit.

It was roughly two hours after that that Denki recovered from that last attack. Everyone was at the front gate of USJ, and the police and pro heroes were there, along with an ambulance. Two stretchers came by, one with Izuku and the other with Y/N. "Wh-What..?" He muttered under his breath in pure disbelief. But she was with us, right?! She should've been under the tarp with Kyouka and Yaoyorozu! M-Maybe I was hallucinating and she got sent to the fire zone instead! Yeah, that's what happened! No matter how hard Denki tried to convince himself those were just burns from a fire, he could clearly tell those were electrical burns that he caused.

He broke down on the bus back when he finally gave up trying to convince himself. "It's all my fault. She got hurt because of me. I completely forgot she was there. I...I just..." He was holding his head, his hands shaking and trembling. "Stop saying that, Kaminari! Surely you couldn't have known that she was there!" Iida said in an attempt to comfort his classmate. "I knew damn well she was there! I just didn't consider the possibility that she wasn't with Kyouka and Yaoyorozu! I...I can't believe this! I'm so stupid! I just..." Denki's voice slightly echoed off the bus's walls. He felt terrible. Absolutely awful.

-Three Weeks Later-
He didn't visit Y/N once while she was recovering. According to Recovery Girl, Y/N had very little stamina, thus she could only heal her minor injuries, like the cut from her blade and some of the burns.

Kirishima often encouraged him to go visit her. "Dude, come on! She's your childhood friend, right? She probably already forgave you for making a simple mistake like that." Denki wasn't listening to reason. "Don't you understand?! I could've killed her! I nearly killed my closest friend and I don't deserve to see her ever again!" With that said, Denki ran out of the room, ignoring his classmates calling his name.

What he didn't expect was to bump into the last person he wanted to see.

He bumped into someone while turning a corner, causing both to fall to the ground. "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going, are you oka-" He then saw the (h/c) girl in front of her, a smile on her face. "Denki! I missed you so much! I haven't seen you for three whole weeks! What happened while I was out?"

Denki stood up and stared to walk away before Y/N grabbed his wrist. "Denki, Kirishima told me what you said, about how you blamed yourself for what happened, but I just want to say that isn't true. Denki Kaminari is a kind person who always makes me happy when he's around. I want that Denki back. Not the Denki that keeps blaming himself for something that wasn't even his fault. Please, Denki, I don't like seeing you like this."

"Y/N...let go of me, please."

"Please, just tell me what's wrong."

"Let me go. I don't want to hurt you again." Denki ripped his hand out of Y/N's grip and ran off, leaving Y/N confused and upset. "It wasn't your fault..."

-Two Months Later-
Two months later, and not much has changed. Denki still avoided Y/N, and Y/N still tried to get through to Denki. Y/N, however, was starting to give up. Izuku and Uraraka tried helping her, but Denki didn't listen to anyone when it came to what happened almost three months ago.

Y/N ran down the hall upon seeing the blond haired boy walking to the classroom. She grabbed his wrist and kept a strong grip. "Denki, listen to me. Just this once. I...I'm giving up on getting through to you. I just wanted to get back the Denki that I know and love, but, I guess that isn't going to happen anytime soon. So, I might as well tell you this now." She took a deep breath and sighed. "I love you, Denki Kaminari. I always have, and I always will. I don't care if you don't return my feelings or you think this is a joke, but...I just felt that I should tell you now." She let go of his wrist and turned around. "Goodbye, Denki."

As Y/N began to walk away, Denki turned around to face her. I can't believe myself. I thought she would hate me. All I've ever done was hurt her, but what does she say? I love you. I...I love you too, Y/N. He walked over to her fast, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. "Y/N, I'm so sorry, I just...I was scared. Scared I was gonna end up hurting you again. I don't want to hurt you." He hid his face in her back, tears leaking from his eyes and staining Y/N's uniform. Y/N got him off so she could turn around to hug him back. One hand rested on his back, while the other was behind his head, which rested in the crook of her neck.

"Shh, it's okay, Denki. You don't have to apologize. It's okay to be scared. Just promise that you'll come to me if you want to talk about something." Denki looked up at her with red eyes. Tears ran down his cheeks and dripped off his chin, some occasionally straying away from the path and running down his neck. "A-Alright..." Y/N smiled, placing a hand on his cheek and wiping his tears away with her thumb, more tears taking their place. Denki cupped her cheek in his hand, a faint smile on his face. They closed the distance between each other and kissed, Denki's salty tears mixing in. The kiss lasted for a few seconds before they separated.

More tears leaked from Denki's golden eyes, concerning Y/N. "What's wrong now?"

"I can't believe I almost let you go."

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