[The World Ends With You] Neku x Reader: Valentine's Day

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You walk down the street, the graffiti on the wall mesmerizing. You bump into someone, looking away from the wall to see...

"Neku!" The boy seems to be a bit angered. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be here. I mean, it's probably about 6:30 right now. Shouldn't you be at home?" He looks back to the wall. He doesn't seem to hear you. "Neku!" You yell. He still doesn't hear you. Angered, you pull his headphones off his head. He tries to take them back, but you move away. "It's not nice to ignore people, Neku." You say. He growls. "Give me back my headphones, Y/N. Now!" He yells. He tries to get them again. You laugh as he reaches for the headphones he values oh so much. "You're almost there-oh! Nope. Come on, Nekey, You can do better than that!" You say, the headphones still in your hands. "Firstly, don't call me that, secondly, give me my headphones." He glares. He reaches for them again, and you back away. Fed up with your crap, he tackles you and takes his headphones back.

"Aw, you're no fun, you know that?" You tell him. "Anyway, what was so important that you took my headphones?" He asks. "I wanted to know who your Valentine is." He glares at you. "I don't have one." You gasp. "Don't have one-Neku, you do realize that Valentine's Day is tomorrow, right!?" You exclaim. "So?"

"Well than, I've decided that I'll be your Valentine!" He looks at you like you've lost your mind. "Wait, you can't just decide for me!"

"Now, go home and get some sleep. I'll be waiting for you in front of 104 tomorrow morning." You say. You both walk off.

-Next Day-

"Ne-kun, what took you so long?" You ask. "Please, stop with the nicknames." You giggle. "Sorry, Neneku. Can't stop me." He frowns. "So, what are we doing?" He asks. "Well, I was thinking we go on a date! It IS Valentine's Day!" He sighs. "Fine. I don't think I can talk you out of this anyway."

-One Date Later-

"Well, that was fun! We should do it again sometime!" You exclaim. "All we did was buy clothing you clearly don't need and hit the arcade. I'd hardly call that a date."

"Oh, be quiet, Nene-kun! I know you enjoyed it!" He sighs before...smiling!? "You got me." He puts his hands up in defeat. "I really did have a Valentine, by the way." You gasp. "Neku! Why didn't you tell me!?" You stamp your foot. "Because I thought you'd figure it out on the date."

"Well, you were looking at me an awful lot. Wait, are you saying that-" You point to yourself. "Yup. You were my Valentine. I was gonna give you this, but in between the shopping and games, I didn't have the time. Here. Take it." He gives you a necklace with a large (F/C) gem. You gasp, covering your mouth. "N-Neku! You shouldn't have! You really shouldn't have!" You say, holding the necklace in your hands. "Here, let me help you get it on." He says, getting behind you with both ends of the necklace in his hands. Once it's on, he goes in front of you and looks at the necklace resting on your body. "Perfect. Well, it's getting late. Goodnight, Y/N." He walks over, giving a quick peck on the cheek before walking home. And up above, there's a certain angel and composer watching.

HAHA! Published on Valentine's Day BIATCH! I seriously thought I wouldn't get this finished in two days. BUT... I made it short so I would. I'll make a better one next year. Promise.

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