[Danganronpa] Makoto x Reader: Mute

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Y/N was a very quiet girl. Not because she was shy, but because she couldn't speak due to a traumatic experience that left her unable to speak. Whenever she tried, she would simply squeak with no words coming out.

She desperately wished she could speak. She wanted to talk to the other students trapped in this game. Especially the Ultimate Lucky Student, Makoto Naegi. He seemed like the kindest and most patient person in the group, and his smile was Y/N's favorite thing.

She would try speaking every morning. She would try to yell to kickstart her vocal cords, but it simply didn't work.

Before this whole killing game started, Y/N had never thought of trying to speak. She had given up. However, when Makoto came into her life, she wanted her voice to come back so badly. She just wanted to tell him how much she cared about him with her voice, not just with text on her E-Handbook, which Monokuma was kind enough to install a text-to-speech application on, complete with six different voices for her to use. At least that damn bear was nice.

The day she met Makoto was rough for her. Mondo was trying to introduce himself to her, but when it was her turn to introduce herself, she hadn't discovered her E-Handbook at the time, so she couldn't say a word. He got angry and Y/N started crying, prompting Makoto to intervene. "Mondo, be patient with her! The only thing you're doing is scaring her!" Makoto yelled, Y/N hugging his arm in fear. "She won't speak to anyone at all! Why should I be patient with her?!" Makoto looked at her with concern. She would have spoken to at least one person by now. Is there something wrong with her?

Y/N moved closer to Makoto as Mondo took a step closer to her. She opened her mouth, but she only squeaked. She tried this multiple times, but the result was the same every time. Makoto looked at her with sadness. He put his hands on her shoulders. "What's wrong?" He asked in a calming voice, causing her to relax her tense shoulders. "Why won't you speak to Mondo?" She tried to speak, but she just squeaked yet again. "Wait, it's not that you don't want to speak, it's that you can't speak, is it?" Y/N sighed, nodding in response.

Mondo's expression immediately became sympathetic. "Y-You can't? I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that. I just assumed that you were just being rude to me." Y/N looked at him and smiled sweetly, as if she was telling him he forgave him.

"Kirigiri?" Kirigiri came over to the group upon being called over by Makoto. "You have a notepad and a pencil, right?" He asked. "Yes, why?"

"Could you give them to this girl? She can't speak and she doesn't have anything to help her speak to the others." She nodded, pulling out a notepad and a pencil and handed them to Y/N. Y/N nodded as if she was saying thank you to her. She flipped open the notepad and started to right something down. When she was done, she showed it to the others.

My name is Y/N L/N and I'm the Ultimate Calligraphy Artist.

Ever since that day, Makoto has been helping her try to speak again.

"Y/N, try saying my name."

"...Mako-" Her voice was weak and stopped halfway. "...Makoto..." She gasped, and Makoto did, too. "Y/N, you did it! You said my name! I'm so proud of you!" He hugged her tightly. She was crying tears of joy as she smiled brightly. "Th...ank y-!" Again, her voice was weak and cut off mid sentence, but it was still an improvement.

"You're welcome, Y/N."

The next morning, Makoto wanted Y/N to show the others how much she had been improving.

"Guys, we have something to show you!" Makoto yelled enthusiastically. The others became quiet and looked to the two. "Alright, Y/N, say hi to everyone!" Y/N squeezed his hand, swallowed hard, then opened her mouth.


Everyone's eyes were wide, even Byakuya seemed surprised that the little mute girl just spoke. Hagakure was the first to break the silence. "No way! Y/N can speak now?!"

"Only a little bit. We're still working on sentences and long words and such." Makoto replied. That's when Chihiro attack hugged the girl. "Y/N, I'm so h-happy for you! You're learning to speak! I can't wait to hear you talk again!" Y/N smiled at the small boy (Y/N was the only one Chihiro trusted completely to keep it a secret since he knew she would never tell anyone), patting his head.

"Th-Thank you, Chihi-" Y/N's voice cut out, but she was still improving. "Y/N, I never thought I'd ever say this to anyone, but you have truly amazed me. I never thought you would actually attempt learn to speak, albeit barely. You just may have earned my money."

"Don't you mean respect, Togami?"

"It's the same thing, Naegi."

"Okay then." Y/N laughed softly, which Makoto loved. "I c-can't believe you two are giving me ideas for a novel at a t-time like THIS." Toko exclaimed. "I think it's sweet of Makoto to help Y/N speak! And it's really cute, too!" Asahina laughed as the two in question blushed.

"Y/N, today's the day! Try to introduce yourself in a full sentence!" Y/N was still get used to her voice, but she still tried.

"My name...is Y/N L/N...and I am the...Ultimate Calligraphy...Artist!" She spoke softly, but still audible to Makoto and the others in the room. "Y/N, did you just..." Ishimaru stood up. Y/N realized what she just did and repeated herself. "My...name is Y/N...L/N and I...am the Ultimate...Calligraphy Artist!" She said, louder this time. Everyone was looking at her in amazement.

"I did it...I did it! Makoto, I...did it! I spoke!" Y/N exclaimed, tears escaping her eyes. "You did it! I'm so proud of you, Y/N!" Makoto pulled her into a hug, enthusiastic. "I did it! I...can't believe I...did it!" She exclaimed, sobbing happily. "Thank you, Makoto! I couldn't...have done this...without you!"

"I'm so happy for you, Y/N!" Makoto exclaimed. "Now that...I can speak...I have to...tell you something."

"What is it?" Y/N pulled away from the hug. "I...I love you, Makoto!" Makoto gasped before pulling her into a tighter hug. "I love you too, Y/N!" He smiled brightly as tears cascaded down his face. The two were inseparable after that.

"You guessed it! Makoto Naegi is the one who killed Mukuro Ikasaba!"

Makoto was pale as a ghost as his eyes were wide. "No...No, you guys got it all wrong! I didn't kill her! I didn't! I swear on my life, I didn't! I'm completely innocent! You have to believe me!" He screamed. "M-Makoto...why?!" Y/N sobbed. Makoto looked to the girl before running to her side, hugging her. She buried her face in his chest, letting her cry. "Y/N, it's okay! Please don't cry!" Makoto couldn't think of anything to say, just letting the girl cry. "Now, time to say bye bye to Makoto, cause it's PUNISHMENT TIME!"

The entirety of Makoto's execution left Y/N in tears. She was sobbing and uttering his name. She didn't even notice that Alter Ego had saved him until Monokuma started yelling.

Kirigiri entered the cafeteria, bearing a smile. Everyone gave her skeptical looks until Makoto walked into the room, smiling wildly.

Y/N gasped, throwing herself at Makoto with tears in her eyes. "Makoto! I love you! I missed you so much and I was so scared, Makoto! I was so scared!" She sobbed. Makoto just crumbled at the sight and broke down as well. "It's okay, Y/N...shh, it's okay...I'm right here...I love you too." He ran his fingers through her hair, his other hand on her back.

Y/N tried to speak, but only sobs came out. "Please don't leave me again..."

"I won't...I promise."


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