[Smash Bros] Human!Sonic x Reader: Fractured Hearts

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"Y/N! Wake up! Y/N!" Sonic yelled, shaking the girl in her bed. "Wake up dumbass! We have a fucking problem!" Dark Pit yelled, slapping Y/N, waking her up. "What-who-how-huh-THE FISH DID IT!" Dark pit looked at Y/N with a hint of annoyance. Sonic, on the other hand, fell onto the floor in a fit of laughter.

"HAHAHAHAAAA OH MY GOD Y/N! YOU'RE ALREADY FUNNY ENOUGH AS IT IS BUT THIS IS TOO MUCH! AAAHAHAHAHAA!" He yelled, pounding his fist against the floor. Y/N looked over to the hedgehog only to gasp at the sight. The Blue Blur wasn't a hedgehog anymore, instead having transformed into a human.

"Is this the problem you were talking about?" Y/N asked, almost stuttering. "Yup. He woke up like this last night." Dark Pit stated, watching the boy on the floor wipe tears from his eyes. After his laughter ceased, he stood up. "Anyway, we need help to fix this." Dark Pit stated bluntly.

"What?! But I like being a human! I'm not a midget and people will stop treating me like I'm a weirdo."

"Sonic, you're always gonna be a weirdo." Y/N stated, ruffling the male's hair. He chuckled at this action. "Y/N, have you been starving yourself again?!" Dark Pit yelled, noticing the visible rib cage, since Y/N's a weird person who wears a sports bra when she goes to bed. "Yeah, so?"

"So?! You're never going to stay in shape if you keep doing this?! Why do you do this?!" Dark Pit yelled, aggravated. "Endurance training." Was Y/N's simple response. "I'm pretty sure Cloud, Marth, and Ike told you to stop doing this! You're just gonna get weaker! You're already weak enough as it is. Even Pit can whoop your ass in a heartbeat." Dark Pit sneered at the girl before leaving. "Um, Y/N-"

"That jerk. I do whatever I want with my body. It's not his business. Right, Sonic?" Y/N asked, smiling sweetly. "Actually, I was going to say, um...he has a point, you know..." Y/N was dumbfounded by his response. "Huh?"

"Well, as a friend, I'm kinda worried that you're taking this way too far." Sonic rubbed the back of his head. "What are you...?"

"I'm just saying that you should maybe stop doing this?" Sonic backed up slightly, fearing the response he'd get. "I thought you would actually support me on this, but apparently I was wrong."

"You're practically a stick! Anyone who's a decent human being would worry about you!"

"Shut up! Are you saying I'm weak?!"

"No, I never said-"

"SHUT UP! I don't care!" Y/N jumped out of her bed and ran out the door. Sonic ran after her, stopping at every turn to look for her. "Palutena will NOT be happy 'bout this."

-Almost two hours later-
"Holy shit, how long have I been running for and how did he not catch me yet?" Y/N asked, looking at the surrounding scenery. Trees surrounded her, the leaves blocking the sun. "I think I can rest here. I'm probably so far that he won't know where t-" Then the Blue Blur himself ran by before running back.

"Hey." Was all he said. "H-H-How the hell did you find me all the way out here?!" Y/N stuttered, surprised. "Pit saw you run by. He said you told him not to say anything."

"Dammit, Pit." Y/N grumbled. "Well, whatever." He sat down in front of one of the trees. A long silence fell between the two. "Um, aren't you gonna ask why I got angry?"

"Hmm? Nah. I know it's probably something personal or something like that. I won't butt in." Sonic stated, leaning against the tree. "Oh. Well, I guess that's fair."


"You know, I kinda like the forest. It's quiet and peaceful. I come here a lot when I'm upset or can't think straight." Y/N said, breaking the silence. "What about you? What do you do when you're upset?"

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