[Noragami] Yato x Reader: Don't Forget Me

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"Hey there, loser! Alone at lunch again? Where are your friends? Oh, wait a minute! You don't have any friends!" The girl, Stephane, laughed at her own joke, as did the girls with her. Y/N didn't say anything. She simply stared at the tray in front of her. "Anyway, you're at our table, bitch." She stated. Y/N looked up. "But...I sit here everyday. You never sit here."

"We do now, whore." She grinned, shoving the confused girl out of her seat and sitting there. Y/N sighed, taking the tray that was thrown onto the floor and throwing it out before leaving the lunchroom.

"I don't understand. Why did they pick me out of the 6,000 people in the school to pick on? Is it because I'm ugly? Poor? Stupid? Shy? All of the above?" Y/N asked herself, laying on a bench in the courtyard. "Excuse me, but that's my seat, you dumb slut." One of the girls from Stephane's group said, shoving Y/N off and laughing as she did so. She started kicking the girl, her heels practically stabbing her.

Eventually, Y/N had had enough. She grabbed the girl's foot and, with all her strength, bent her ankle at an angle it wasn't supposed to be at,grinning slightly at the sound of the bone snapping. The girl screamed and Y/N stood up as the girl lay on the ground, tears forming in her eyes. "Tell your friends that the same thing is gonna happen to them if they so much as look at me ever again." Y/N said, venom in her voice as she began to walk away. The girl nodded frantically.

"Wow. That's a bit harsh, huh, Yukine?" Y/N looked around, trying to locate the voice before spotting a boy in a blue tracksuit. He was standing next to a young, blonde boy, apparently named Yukine. The two didn't notice Y/N staring at them. The blonde looked at her. "Um, Tracksuit, I think she sees us." He stated, gesturing to her. Yato walked to her and slowly waved his hand in front of her. Her eyes followed his hand. "She really does see us!" Yato tried to contain his joy as Y/N stared at him in confusion. "Of course I can see you. Why would I not be able to see you?"

"Well, because I'm a god! Only certain people can see me!" Y/N was still confused. "Really? Which god are you?" Yato's eyes seemed to light up. Usually, this was the part where the person would call the mental hospital and make him have to convince them he was really a god. "I am Yato, god of war, calamity, and depravity!" He announced proudly. "For a god of war and calamity, you sure are cheery." Y/N commented. "Thank you! By the way, I'm also a delivery god! I'll grant any wish for five yen!"

"Any wish? Okay, um, could you maybe get those bullies to leave me alone? I don't want to hurt anyone else if I don't have to." Y/N asked. "I guess I can."

Y/N handed him the five yen and sighed. "Thank you so much." Y/N began to run back to the school. "Hey, wait!" She turned to Yato, smiling. "What is it?" He hesitated for a second before simply saying "Don't forget me, okay?" Y/N cocked her head to the side. "What do you mean? How could I forget you?"

"You'd be surprised..." Yato said, quiet enough that she couldn't hear him. "Okay...see you later!" Y/N waved as she ran back into the school.

-Two Months Later-
"Something wrong, Yato?" Hiyori asked, looking at him with a hint of worry. "It's about that girl, Y/N, right, Tracksuit?" Yukine asked bluntly. "I gave her my number, but she hasn't called me once. Do you think she forgot me?" Yato sighed, staring at his phone. Y/N's number was there, he was just worried about calling her and the first thing she says being 'who is this?'

"After what you did for her, I doubt she'd ever forget you." Hiyori said, trying to cheer him up. "Should I go visit her?" He asked. "It's your choice, Tracksuit." Yukine stated, leaning against a wall with his hands in his pockets. After a few seconds, Yato started to walk away. "I'll be back soon!" He said before running in the direction of Y/N's school. He knew she'd be there.

After he made it to the school, he saw Y/N with a group of friends, showing them a drawing in her sketchbook. He couldn't see it, so he didn't know what the drawing was. The group was talking about something, probably the drawing. Y/N glanced at her phone, probably looking at a text from someone. I doubt she remembers me. I guess this was a bad idea.

Y/N's friends left, passing Yato as they did so. They all looked at him, surprising him a bit. One of them, a short girl with blond hair, walked up to him. "What's your name?" She asked. "I'm Yato." The girl gasped a bit before the group gathered in a circle and started talking about something. Before he knew what was happening, he was being dragged by the hand to Y/N, who was packing up her stuff and getting ready to leave.

"Y/N! Guess what we found!" The girl shouted. "Hmm?" Y/N looked up, a bit surprised. The group stopped dragging Yato and shoved him towards Y/N a bit too forcefully, causing him to fall on the ground. "Oops. My bad." A boy in the group sighed. Yato got up, looking Y/N over. She hadn't changed that much, only having grown taller, now being almost as tall as him.

"Y/N, do you...remember me?"

I'm ending this here for now, since I don't have any idea what to write from here. I promise I'll edit it to add an actual ending. I'm so sorry about that I just really wanna publish this ASAP so I don't feel like I've still got work to do before I can start with new ideas because I've been working on this for like three months with no progress, so I'm really sorry! For now, this'll just have to be open ended. Well, see you next time!


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