[Legend of Zelda] Link x Reader: The Fear of The Courageous

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Y/N sighed, watching the exhausted hero. He hadn't slept in weeks, and the dark circles under his eyes were proof of that. He was laying in the bed with the blanket under him. He was so tired, he just hopped into the bed without bothering to get under the blanket. At least he took off his armor and other various weapons and items he carried around before plopping down. They'd have to pay a lot if a bomb suddenly went off in the room.

Y/N took the blanket from her bed and threw it over the sleeping hero, who had been muttering in his sleep. Y/N didn't notice at first, but then she heard a few sobs, which surprised her. Link never showed a shred of weakness to anyone, including her. She just assumed he couldn't cry, which seems a bit rude, but it seemed possible.

She nervously got into the bed with Link. Sure enough, a few tears rolled down his cheeks, leaving a faint trail. Y/N looked at him sadly and wrapped her arms around him. She intertwined her legs with his and sighed, bringing him close. She removed his hat and started running her hand through his hair. This seemed to help the hero calm down a little as his sobs died down to a few hiccups. He subconsciously hugged her back and moved closer. She smiled just a bit and kissed his forehead.

He started to wake up after she had kissed his forehead and he looked a bit dazed and confused. After a few seconds, his eyes widened and he hugged Y/N tightly, a hand in her hair and a few tears in his eyes. "Y/N, thank the gods...it was just a dream..." He muttered. "Link? What's wrong?" Y/N asked, looking down at the sobbing male with concern. "I had a dream. Y-You had went off on your own and I couldn't find you for the longest time. I found you on the ground covered in blood and I was so scared. I thought I was going to lose you. I held you in my arms and you died right there. I didn't know what to do..." He sobbed, his body shaking with each sob.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere, Link. I'm right here." Y/N spoke in a soft, gentle voice, running her fingers through his hair. "I love you, Y/N..."

"I love you too, Link." With that, the two fell asleep.

Why do I do these things. Well, I'm gonna go sleep now, so g'night guys.

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