[Mega Man] Mega Man x Reader: Mind Controlled

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What happened to lead to all this?

Y/N raced down the halls, trying to find and exit or a safe room that wasn't filled with robots and death traps at every turn. It didn't help that she had been separated from Mega Man about halfway through the place. Of course all the bad stuff has to happen to me! Dammit! She ran into a random room, the door sealing itself shut behind her. The room was a plain grey color, in contrast to the various shades of red and yellow outside. The room was also very spacious, as if it was meant for fighting.

Someone was standing at the other side of the room, facing the wall. Though, with the size of the room, it was difficult to tell who it could have been. The only clue Y/N had was the various shades of blue the other was wearing. She took a few steps forward, trying to see this person a bit better. As she got near the center of the room, she started to recognize the person in front of her. "...Mega? Is that you?"

The other turned around, confirming her suspicions. She would've ran over and tackled him with a hug, but she felt like something wasn't right. His face was expressionless, something one wouldn't expect from him. His eyes seemed dull and lifeless, as if his nonexistent soul was torn out.

Y/N could feel a threatening presence, which was odd as the only ones in the room were her and Mega, and Mega could never be threatening no matter how hard he tried. Not exactly a good thing when it came to fighting, but it at least helped people feel safe around him.

"Hey, is something wrong?" She started to approach the robot carefully, surprised when she felt something sting her side. She looked down and saw faint burn marks. Did he just...shoot me? She looked up, seeing Mega, his Mega Buster aimed right at her, his eyes still empty.

Something was definitely wrong with him. Not only was he completely silent and not worrying about Y/N's wellbeing and whatnot, but he just attacked her, something he would never do under any circumstance. Not only was he close friends with her, but it was against his coding to harm a living being. "Mega, answer me!"

Going against all of her instincts and common sense, she ran over and tackled the robot to the ground, which surprised him for a few seconds. "Come on, snap out of it! This isn't you!" She shouted. Mega shoved her off to the side and stood up. Y/N had scraped her knees, as well as her elbow, when she fell. Y/N didn't know what to do. He was just shooting at her over and over, yet she was doing nothing to stop it. An idea then came to mind.

"Rock, please! Stop it!" He flinched, and Y/N felt the continuous impact on her body finally cease. She noticed something small sticking off the side of his helmet. She stood up, quickly spinning around so she was behind him. She held his arms back with all her strength, trying to get a look at whatever it was that was sticking off his helmet.

It looked a lot like an antenna one would see on a remote control car or something like that. She quickly released one of his arms and pulled off the small device, getting thrown against the wall in the process. Her back arched as it hit the wall, but she quickly recovered from it, putting the small device on the ground and stomping on it, crushing it under her foot. Mega seemed to snap out of his previous state, as he started looking around frantically, a worried and confused expression on his face. Y/N fell onto the floor, which had caught Mega's attention. "Y/N!" He ran to the girl, getting on his knees in front of her. He observed Y/N's current state-on her hands and knees and out of breath. "Mega, what happened to you?" She asked. "H-Huh? I should be asking you that!"

"You weren't acting like yourself. You attacked me. You were-"

"I-I attacked you?! I wouldn't hurt you, never ever, not in a thousand years would I hurt you!" He started to freak out. "You didn't do it of your own free will! You were being mind controlled! Besides, you only gave me some minor injuries! I'm fine!" Y/N attempted to calm him down in any way she could. "How could I do this to you, Y/N? Oh god, you must hate me now. You shouldn't have come with me!"

"It wasn't your fault! I don't hate you! If I hadn't come with you, you would still be under Wily's control and no one wants that. Especially me. Now, calm down. Okay?" She spoke in a reassuring tone, and that usually helped calm him down at least a little, but now even that wouldn't work. "But, I could've killed you! I wouldn't be able to face anyone if I did that! I-"

Y/N pulled the robot into a hug, trying to calm him down. "I'm alright. It's not like you stabbed me or anything. Okay? Relax." He couldn't think of anything else to say, any excuses to pin this on himself. Y/N was right. It wasn't his fault. He was just too panicked for rational thought. "A-Alright. I'm calm now. But, still, I'm sorry I attacked you. I know it wasn't technically my fault, but I feel I have to say it." He said. "It's fine."

A ticking sound echoed throughout the room, surprising the two. Mega's attention was turned to the center of the room. A bomb sat in the center, a timer displayed on a small screen on the bomb. The timer was at five seconds. Without warning, Mega Man took the girl into a protective hold, the bomb exploding right after.

The next few seconds were a blur for the two. Mega felt his back slam against the wall and his body falling onto the ground, his helmet falling off in the process and landing nearby, all while keeping Y/N close to his body. Said girl could barely breathe from the amount of smoke and dust in the now destroyed room. "Y/N, are you alright?"

"Besides the amount of smoke and dust in the air I kinda need to live making it harder for me to actually breathe, I'm fine." She replied, covering her mouth as she coughed. She kept her hand over her mouth and relaxed. Mega stood up, carefully picking up Y/N and his helmet and heading to the door. He jumped over the rubble from the explosion, holding onto the girl in his arms tightly as to not drop her. He reached the door, kicking it down and running into the hallway. The hall was clear of robots or anything else that could kill them, so he put Y/N on the ground and slumped down against the wall. Y/N was taking in really deep breaths, which probably meant she was holding her breath the whole time. "Thank god, we're out of there. I seriously thought we were gonna die for a second." She breathed out, a small smile on her face.

There was an awkward silence until Mega spoke up. "Y/N, are...are you really sure you're okay?" He asked, concern lining his voice. "Positive, Rock. Now, relax, 'kay?" He nodded hesitantly, and silence fell over the two once again. This time, however, it was a comfortable silence. The two were sitting next to each other and nothing felt weird.

"Rock, I'm tired." Y/N said after a while. "You can sleep. I'm pretty sure that the robots don't come down here, so it's safe to rest here." Y/N, satisfied with that answer, rested her head on Mega's shoulder. He didn't seem to mind, and she slept right there. After a few minutes, Mega started growing tired too, as he would start falling asleep only for him to jolt himself awake. He then gave up and fell asleep, Y/N's head still resting on his shoulder.

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