[Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic] Alibaba x Reader: Bloodied Dreams

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Alibaba was curled up on his side in his sleep, tears pricking his eyes and slowly making their way down his face. He kept repeating his friends' names over and over again. His arms were tucked in close to his chest as he sobbed quietly. "Aladdin...Morgiana...Y/N!"

-In his dream-
Alibaba looked around, his right eye bleeding and thus unable to open. Aladdin was slumped against the remains of a wall, his pants torn and revealing several cuts, both deep and shallow. Morgiana was laying face down on the ground, a spear piercing her back. The bottoms of her feet were stained with blood.

Sinbad was pinned to a wall, several of his metal vessels either cracked or broken in pieces, some of which had cut into his skin. A large sword was holding him in place, stabbed straight through his heart. His household vessel users were all either dead or bleeding out under piles of rubble. Hakuryu had two deep cuts across his chest, as well as blood from his eyes due to pushing himself to much in his djinn equip.

Y/N had too many injuries to count. Several cuts and scrapes on her arms and legs, as well as a deep cut in her side, and shallow ones on her stomach and back. A small cut was on her cheek. "No...no! Why! Why am I the only one still alive?! Why do I live when those who died are so much more important than me?! Y/N! Aladdin! Sinbad! Morgiana! Someone! Anyone! Say something! Please! I just want to know you're alive!"

"Alibaba..." He gasped. It was Aladdin. "Alibaba...don't cry over us...please..." Alibaba scrambled to his feet, running to Aladdin. "But...why shouldn't I?! I...I've got nothing left in this world! Everyone I know and love is dead, and you're telling me not to cry?!" He yelled, chocking on his tears as they streamed down his face. Aladdin lifted his hand, Alibaba taking it in his own."Albaba, I know...it may seem like there's...nothing left to live for, but...trust me...there is...there's still something to live for...you just have to...find it..." Aladdin gave a weak smile before slowly closing his eyes. "No...Aladdin, please! Don't die on me! Not yet! Please!" Alibaba screamed. But, his words fell upon deaf ears, as Aladdin's entire body went limp, his hand slipping out of Alibaba's. "No...please, god...don't do this to me! Is this what I get for wanting to be happy?! Is this some sick joke to you?! ARE YOU HAPPY?!" He screamed. He screamed until his throat hurt. No one was there to give him a hug or a pat on the back and tell him it's okay. No one could help fix his damaged mental state.

He heard a cough. He turned his head to Y/N, who was trying to stand up. "Y/N!" He cried. He ran to her as she sat up and hugged her tightly, crying uncontrollably. "Alibaba? You're still...alive?" Alibaba was crying too hard to form a sentence. He was gasping and hiccuping every few seconds and it made it impossible for him to speak. "Shh...it's...okay, Alibaba. I'm right here. I love you, okay?" She spoke softly, as if speaking too loudly would completely shatter him. "I love you too, Y/N!" He cried between hiccups and sobs. Y/N's eyes couldn't stay open any longer. With the last of her strength, she pulled Alibaba off her and kissed him as best as she could. As soon as they parted, she fell back on her side, in the position she was before. "Y/N? Y/N, wake up, please! I don't want to lose you!" He shook her body, but he got no response. "No...no!" He had never cried harder in his life. Not even when Kassim died. He cried until he passed out.

Alibaba shot up in his bed, tears running down his face. "Was that a dream? Please, please tell me it wasn't real!" He heard the door open and close before the weight on the bed shifted. "Alibaba, what's wrong? Your eyes are red and puffy." Y/N's gentle voice entered his ears. "Y/N..." He immediately pulled her into a hug. "Thank god...thank god it wasn't real!" He cried into her shoulder. "Alibaba, did something happen? Did you have a nightmare?" He nodded, hugging her tighter. "It's okay, Alibaba. I'm right here. If you don't mind me asking, what happened in your dream?"

"There was this huge war. Everyone died. Aladdin, Morgiana, Sinbad, everyone..." Y/N was silent for a moment. "I'm guessing I was there too?" He nodded again. "Well, don't worry. That would never happen. I promise that nothing will ever happen to take us away from you." Alibaba nodded, crying harder than before. Y/N got into the bed with him and let him cry, running fingers through his hair and shushing him to calm him down. Soon, his tears ceased, and he moved closer to Y/N.

"Y/N..." She looked down at Alibaba. "I... I love you." He said. "I love you too, Alibaba." She replied, lifting his face to kiss him. The kiss was sweet and gentle and lasted until they couldn't hold their breath any longer. They Y/N kissed his forehead and rested her head on top of his. They both then fell asleep in the comfort of each other's embrace.

I almost cried writing this and I stayed up till 12 in the morning writing this. I'm happy with it, now take the feels because I'm a terrible person.

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