[Danganronpa] Kiyotaka Ishimaru x Reader: Nothing to Hide

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I'll write for Gundam next, in case you're wondering. I've found that I'm hitting on just about every male character. First it was Makoto, than Nagito, then Gundam, then Fuyuhiko, then Hajime, and now Ishimaru. That's a lot. Also, let's just pretend that they have the E-Handbooks, because I don't think they had them during their normal school life.

"Y/N, wake up!" Ishimaru yelled at the Ultimate Artist, her head resting in her arms on her desk, which, luckily for her, was in the back row, near the windows. It was the one place the teacher never looked. "No, mom...5 more minutes." She mumbled, facing down. "Y/N, sleeping is not welcome in a school environment!" Y/N looked up groggily at the Ultimate Moral Compass standing in front of her desk. "Y/N, you have slept in every single class so far! What is with you today?" Y/N rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "I'm sorry, Taka. I haven't been able to sleep for the past few days."

"And why's that?"

"None of your business, Ishi-" She fell asleep again, causing the male across from her to groan in annoyance. He doesn't understand why he even tries to put up with this. He should've given up on day one. "Ishimaru, why do you keep trying? I'm gonna sleep in class, any there's nothing you can do about it. Besides, it's not like there's a rule against it." Ishimaru sighed and pulled out his E-Handbook. He pulled up the school rules. "Sleeping anywhere besides the dormitories will be seen as sleeping in class and violators will be punished accordingly." Y/N looked at him, the sleep still in her eyes. "Wha-" He showed her the rule he read.

"Since you do not have a dormitory, if this keeps up, you will have to have detention." Y/N's demeanor changed almost immediately at the word. "D-Detention?! Oh no... they'll kill me if I get detention. Ohhhh no..." She was out of her chair, hugging herself as she pressed her body against the wall. "What's wrong?" Y/N was trembling. "What, are you afraid of detention?" Ishimaru asked, clearly confused.

"Far from it... I'm worried about what my parents will do when they find out I was sleeping in class and got detention. Oh god. Please, Ishimaru, please reconsider my punishment!" She begged, on her knees. Ishimaru sighed. "I'll let you off the hook this time, but next time, I won't be so forgiving." Y/N looked at him, eyes bright and smile wide. "Thank you, Taka! I won't forget your kindness! I won't break another rule starting now!" She ran out off the classroom. "No running in the halls, Y/N!" He yelled out the door. "Oops, sorry! I won't break another rule starting now!"

-Time Skip to lunch-
Y/N was sitting at a table in the corner with Makoto and Chihiro. She wasn't the most popular person due to her being so clumsy and accidentally spilling paint on people and her tendency to speak too softly. Makoto and Chihiro were kind to her and usually sat with her at lunch, though they would occasionally sit with someone else.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" The three looked up and saw Ishimaru, a lunch tray in his hands. "No. We're the only ones that sit here, so feel free to take any seat you want." Chihiro explained, a small smile on her face. Ishimaru took the seat next to Makoto. "Anyway, Chihiro, do you mind helping me with my homework tonight? I wasn't paying attention during class." Y/N stated, a nervous laugh escaping her lips. "Did you sleep in class again?" Chihiro asked, sighing as she did so.

"Yeah." The two started whispering to each other. Ishimaru was about to ask what they were talking about before Makoto stopped him. "Chihiro is kinda like a living diary to Y/N. They've known each other since 2nd grade, so it makes sense. that the know everything about each other. Anyway, it's best not to bother them." Ishimaru nodded.

"Hey there, loser!" Makoto heaved a sigh. "This is the fifth time this week." He groaned, letting his head fall onto the table. "Hiyoko, can't you leave us alone for one day?" He exclaimed, raising his head to face to cutesy brat. "Why're you defending Miss Klutzy Bitch? And, Chihiro, I thought we were friends!"

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