[Kekkai Sensen] Leonardo Watch x Reader: All in The Eyes

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Based on https://headcannon-hobgoblin.tumblr.com/post/165061668485/can-i-ask-hc-for-leo-with-an-so-who-just-saw

Y/N and Leo were sitting on the floor, relaxing after a long day. "Hey, Leo, Klaus told me you have the All Seeing Eyes of God. Is that true?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah. It's not as great as everyone makes it out to be."

"Could I...see them?"

"Huh?! U-Um, okay?"

The boy swallowed nervously before opening his eyes. Thoughts raced through his head. "She's gonna hate them." "Was this really a good idea?" "Will she hate me when she finds out how I got these eyes?" "What if-" His thoughts were silenced by a soft gasp. "Oh my god..!" She slowly rested her hands on his face, staring into his eyes with a look of pure amazement on her face.

Her face was so close to his that the red spreading across his face was hard to hide. Lucky for Leo, Y/N was too busy admiring the blue orbs he had for eyes to notice the heat rushing to his cheeks. "They're beautiful!" She said, completely awestruck. "R-Really?" He was just stunned. That was the last thing he expected her to say. "Of course! I wouldn't lie to you now, would I?"

"I guess not..." Leo was embarrassed, to say the least. But, there was this warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest that told him he wanted this to last. "Hey, Leo, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" He felt the heat on his face growing, and he started feeling lightheaded. "If you close your eyes, can you still see?"

"Yeah. Only if I want to."

"Well, close your eyes for a second." He did as he was asked, no questions about what she was planning. Not long after, a pair of warm lips pressed against his and his heart started pounding. His face was on fire at this point and he felt like he was about to faint. He nervously wrapped his arms around Y/N and pulled her closer, causing her to fall and land on top of him. Once the two broke the kiss, Leo began crying. "L-Leo?! What's wrong?!"

"I'm just so happy..!" He choked out, hugging Y/N close to him yet again. He nuzzled lovingly into her neck, happily crying as he realized he found someone who he could hold like this, love like this, just be happy with. It made him feel so happy. He wanted the happiness to last for as long as possible. And last it did.

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