[Kingdom Hearts] Riku x Reader: Don't Do This...

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"Riku!" Y/N ran to the boy with Sora and his friends, Donald and Goofy. "Riku, we've been looking everywhere for you!" Y/N exclaimed, smiling brightly upon seeing her friend. He didn't say a word, though. He simply stared at Sora, almost glaring. "Riku? Is something wrong?" Sora asked, confused. "Do you really care about finding Kairi anymore?" Riku asked suddenly, his glare getting more intense. "Of course I do! We've visited a bunch of other worlds looking for you and Kairi!" Sora exclaimed. "He's right, Riku! I was with him the entire time! He's telling the truth!"

"I'm not asking you." He turned to Y/N, chills running up and down her spine. "Please, believe me! We wouldn't ever abandon you or Kairi!" She exclaimed, hand balled up over her heart. "Well, it looks like you've already found new friends. Once me and Kairi were gone, you just went and got yourself some new friends." Sora looked surprised, hurt, even. "Th-That isn't true! They were helping me find you! They aren't replacing you or Kairi!" He yelled. Suddenly, a Keyblade appeared in Riku's hand. He hit Sora's side, flinging him into a wall. "Riku, what are you doing!?" Y/N was scared.

Riku walked over to Sora, who was weak and out of breath from his attack. "Get up." He demanded. "Riku...please..." Tears started forming in Y/N's eyes. "Get up!" Riku kicked Sora, knocking him on his side. Y/N ran over to stop him. "Riku, please, stop this!" She looked at him, tears rolling down her face. "Please, I'm begging you. Please..." Riku attacked her without hesitation, hitting her side hard. She fell to her side, shocked. "This has nothing to do with you."

Y/N stood up, running to Riku and wrapping her arms around him, sobs racking through her body. "Riku, please. We would never forget you. I would never forget you ! I love you too much to forget you! I don't want you to hurt anyone else, so please, stop hurting Sora!" Y/N cried out, her grip on Riku gradually fading as she fell to her knees, hands covering her face as she sobbed.

Riku seemed surprised. His Keyblade fell to the ground and disappeared, causing Sora to look up at the boy. He shakily stood up and ran to Y/N's side, comforting her. Riku turned to them and got on his knees, looking at Y/N with what seemed to be guilt. Sora noticed and gave the two space, telling his friends they should give them privacy.

"Y/N...?" The girl looked up when she heard her name, her tears seemingly endless. "R-Riku..." Her voice seemed broken and quiet, almost a whisper. She reached out to Riku. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him, her head landing against his chest.

"I've missed you so much. I couldn't stop worrying about you. I was scared that you'd forgotten me." Y/N stated, closing her eyes as she rested her head against Riku's chest, wrapping her arms around him. Riku had done the same. "I would never forget you. You're too precious to me.  I can't just forget you because... I love you." Y/N smiled as she began to drift off into dreamland. "I love you too, Riku." She muttered before falling asleep in the safety of Riku's arms.

Okay, I have three chapters I'm working on and I'm not telling you anything about them except for the fact that they are all probably gonna have some death or something. Enjoy the happiness while it lasts.

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