[Smash Bros] Cloud Strife x Reader: New to the Game

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I got Cloud, Corrin, and Ryu a while ago, so why not? Also, I have never played a Final Fantasy game in my life, so if he's OOC or I got my facts wrong, then I'm sorry, and I may do my research before writing this. Because I don't want to upset the fangirls.

Edit: Added one of DJ-JO's dubstep covers. It was a tie between This Game, Before My Body's Dry, and Again, but I feel This Game fits better. Btw, please check out his content, his covers are great.

Double edit: Finally got around to playing FFVII, and I think I got his character spot on.

You wandered the halls of the mansion where all the Smashers stayed. As you walked, you noticed four new doors. Two of them had the Fire Emblem symbol, which meant two new fighters from Fire Emblem were joining. One door had SF engraved and painted red on the door. You were curious about this. The other door had FF also engraved and painted white on the door. You didn't know anything about these new fighters. You heard the intercom turn on. "All fighters please head to the main lobby to greet our new fighters." Master Hand's voice boomed over the intercoms. Excited, you ran to the lobby. You were one of the first ones there. You saw Robin and Reflet talking to each other. "I hear we're getting another set of twins! You hear that, Robin? Twins!" Reflet exclaimed, jumping for joy as her brother continued to read. "Great. Hopefully at least one of them isn't crazy." Robin sighed, rolling his eyes as his twin continued to fangirl.

Ike and Lucina came in. "I hear one of them is a martial artist." Lucina said as she walked in. "I hear that one has this huge sword. I believe Pit described it as a giant butcher knife or something like that." Ike said, sitting down. Speak of the devil, Pit jumped in, doing a backflip, followed by a front flip and a face plant. "Oh man, I can't wait to fight the new fighters! I'm so going to win!!!" Pit exclaimed, his Palutena Bow split into blades in his hands. "Pit, that's what you said when Roy came back, and you got your ass kicked." You said, folding your arms. "Don't bring that up!" Pit yelled.

Eventually, everyone was gathered around the entrance. Everyone had been given name tags so the newcomers can get to know everyone easier. You were in the front in between Robin and Reflet, watching the four newcomers enter the room. They also had name tags on. The rumors you had heard were true. The two twins were a boy and a girl name Corrin and Kamui, the martial artist was named Ryu, and the sword fighter was named Cloud. Reflet was jumping up and down in delight. "Everyone, meet the new members of the mansion. Who would like to show them all around?" Mario asked, standing near the new fighters. Everyone except a few of you, like Dark Pit and Robin, didn't raise their hand. You were too distracted by the new sword fighter and didn't hear him.

"Y/N, would you like to show them around?" Mario asked. Everyone looked at you. You were brought back to reality. "Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. I would love to." You walked to the new fighters. You could feel everyone's eyes piercing into your back. "Come on, let me show you around the place. It's pretty big, so I'll show you guys your rooms now so you don't have to carry all that stuff with you." You said, looking at the suitcases they all had. "Thank you, miss. By the way, who's the one that kept jumping up and down when she saw us?" The girl, Kamui, asked. "Oh, that's Reflet. She has a twin brother named Robin. I think she was excited to have another set of twins in here. We only have three, counting you two." You said. You arrived to their rooms. "Here we are! These are your rooms. Each of them has a symbol that represents your series. For example, if you're from, say, the Mario franchise, a mushroom would be painted on the door. If you need anything else, I'm right next door." You said, pointing to a door with the (fav series) symbol painted in (f/c). They all went into their rooms to unpack.

-After the tour-
You peaked in on Cloud. "So, how is it?" You asked him. " It nice. I'm already feeling at home here." He replied. You looked around the room. A few photos were on the shelves, and his sword was against the wall. The closet was already filled with clothes. "Well, if you need anything, you know where I am. Usually, the mansion has a battle when new fighters arrive. I look forward to your first fight. Good night!" You left his room, returning to your own. You bundled yourself in the blankets and slept soundly.

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