[My Hero Academia] Izuku Midoriya x Reader: Peace Sign

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Y/N's quirk: Telekinesis [can move objects up to three times the user's weight, but puts strain on the body the longer the object is held. Can be applied to body. Can hold multiple small items. Distance: 100 feet. Can't be used on things completely submerged in water, including other people. User must be somewhat focused. Object must be in user's view (unless the user is using it on them self). Uraraka's Zero Gravity negates the weight limit.]

The day was going well, everyone went to USJ to practice using their quirks to save people, but it all went downhill when a group of villains appeared.

The group was separated, and Y/N just so happened to get sent to the shipwreck area with Izuku. She managed to catch herself with her quirk, but Izuku fell just out of her range. "Izuku! Hang on, I'm coming!" She began to fly down, but Izuku fell into the water and out of her reach. "Oh god, this can't be good. Izuku!" Then Tsuyu leaps out of the water, Minoru and Izuku in her grasp. Y/N thankful for the frog like girl's presence, floated down to the ship the others had landed on. "Y/N, you're here too?"

"Yeah. Oh, Izuku, sorry about earlier. I tried to catch you, but you fell out of my range and then you fell in the water, and I just..." She sighed. "I felt so useless! I'm so sor-" Izuku cut her off. "Y-Y/N, it's fine, really! Besides, you tried, right? That's all that matters!"

"I know, but-"

"Really, please don't beat yourself up over it! Besides, Tsuyu-"

"Call me Tsu."

"Ts-Ts-Tsu was there, s-so it all worked out, right?" He said, a hand behind his head. "Yeah...alright." Y/N smiled a bit.

-Time Skip-
Y/N was too busy dealing with villains to see something like a laser coming at her. When she did notice, it had already struck her side, shooting straight through her body. She bled profusely from the wound, blood staining her costume red. She lost her focus and fell out of the air, catching the attention of her classmates. "Y/N!"

Y/N landed harshly on her back, a yelp of pain escaping her lips. She put a hand on the wound, pulling it away and seeing blood covering her hand. "Sh-Shit..." She muttered before hearing footsteps. "Y/N!" Izuku's voice entered Y/N's ears. She looked around before seeing the familiar green haired boy running to her. He must've seen me fall, then. "Y/N, are you okay?!" Y/N covered the wound as best as she could, but that laser shot a small hole in her side, thus her blood slowly pooled around her.

"I-I'm fine." Lies. That lie made itself apparent as blood began to leak from under her. Izuku was quick to notice. "No, you're not! You're bleeding!" He yelled. "Izuku, there are still villains! Stop yelling at me and go fight!"

"I'm not leaving you here! Not if it leaves you defenseless!"

"You're acting like a child! Did you forget my quirk is telekinesis?! I can defend myself just fine!" Ignoring Izuku's desperate cries of her name, Y/N lifted herself off the ground, balancing out in the sky and getting ready to fight again. A large rock was hurled at her and made contact with her body before she could even think. Blood shot from her mouth from the impact and she was launched back from the force.

When she landed, she focused all of her power on preventing the rock from landing on her. She caught it just before it could land on her and crush her, moving it a good distance away before releasing it. Her mind was getting fuzzy, everything was blurry, and her hearing was getting muffled. The last thing she heard was the desperate cries of her name.

"Y/N! Y/N, wake up! Y/N!" Izuku had no clue what to do. Y/N was unconscious and bleeding like crazy and her back no doubt had a few bruises and scrapes. Her breathing was shaky and unsteady. Izuku was scared to lose her. "Y/N!" He yelled before hugging her tightly. He didn't even notice Tenya approaching until he tapped the boy's shoulder. "Midoriya, is something wrong? What happened to Y/N?" Ah, Tenya must've saw her fall, then. Izuku looked at Tenya then back to Y/N before lifting the girl up and turning to Tenya. "Tenya, can you please bring Y/N to safety? She's badly injured." Tenya looked down at Y/N's unconscious figure before looking back up at Izuku and nodding. "Of course. She is a fellow classmate. I'll take her to Uraraka and the others." He replied, taking Y/N in his arms before running off.

-Time Skip-
Y/N awoke to Uraraka and Tenya calling her name. Her eyes cracked open before she was blinded by bright lights in her face. "H-Huh? Where am I..?"

"You are in the nurse's office, Y/N. You were brought here with Midoriya after the pro heroes came and saved us." Tenya explained. "Oh...wait, Izuku was brought here too?!"

"Deku was hurt pretty bad. Don't worry, though, he's fine now." Uraraka assured her.

"Well, if you say so." Y/N got off the bed she had been in and began to walk out, Tenya and Uraraka following her. "Oh, Y/N! Deku wanted to see you! He said he wanted you to head over to his house when you left."

"Really? Well, see you guys later!" With that, she ran off.

She arrived at Izuku's apartment not long after, standing in front of the door. She hesitantly knocked, hearing someone yell "I'll get it!" The door opened to Inko, Izuku's mom. "Oh, good, uh, afternoon, Inko. Is Izuku here?"

"Of course! Izuku, Y/N's here to see you!" Inko yelled. She moved to let Y/N in and closed the door behind the girl. Y/n removed her shoes and walked around a bit. She had never been at Izuku's place before and only knew the address because Tenya gave her a piece of paper with the address on it.

Izuku stopped in front of her and grabbed her by the wrist. "Come on, let's go to my room." He had a little smile on his face, but Y/N could tell he had a lot of things to say to her. He dragged her down the hallway to his room and opened the door. It was pretty much exactly how Y/N had pictured it. Bed to the side, shelf with Izuku's thirteen notebooks worth of notes and some action figures, All Might posters quite literally everywhere, and a desk with a laptop on it and a computer chair in front of it. It was a pretty basic room, for the most part.

"So, what did you want to see me for?" Y/N asked. Izuku looked her in the eye. "What were you thinking, trying to fight after getting shot down like that?! You could've died! We could've lost you!" Izuku didn't hesitate to yell in anger. I see...he's still upset about the whole villain thing. "Well, I'm still alive, right? So, it all worked out in-"

"What if Iida hadn't come around when he did?! What if that villain had shot you here?!" He pointed to his right lung. "Or here?!" Then he pointed to his left lung. "Or even here?!" Then his heart. "What if you hadn't reacted fast enough and that boulder had crushed you?!" He grabbed her shoulders firmly, shaking her a bit. "Did you ever consider the possibility that you could've very easily been killed in that fight?! Huh?!"

"Izuku, I-"

"I know you don't want me to worry about you, but, in that moment, I couldn't do anything but worry about you. I just...I don't want you to die." He didn't break eye contact once, not even as tears began forming in his eyes.

"I'm an idiot. I thought you would stop worrying if I tried to act like I was fine, but I only made it worse, huh?"

"You're acting like a child! Did you forget my quirk is telekinesis?! I can defend myself just fine!"

"If I knew those could very well have been my last words, I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself. I...I'm sorry. I tried to be brave, but all I did was cause everyone trouble."

"Y/N..." In one swift movement, Y/N's face was in Izuku's shoulder, while the boy had his arms around her, his hands resting on her back. "Izuku?" He held her tighter, nuzzling his face into her shoulder. "Y/N, please, never do something like that ever again." Izuku pulled back and kissed Y/N right on the lips. Y/N was surprised by his actions, but still kissed back. After a while, he broke the kiss. "I love you, Y/N. I don't want anything to happen to you that could put you in danger."

"Hate to break it to you, Deku, but danger's in the job description." Y/N laughed a bit, Izuku joining in on her laughter. "But, yeah, I love you too, Izuku."

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