[Fullmetal Alchemist] Edward x Reader: Moonlight

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Inspired by THE MOON! No, seriously, the moon. Plus boredom and me getting an idea. This is probably gonna be pretty short. Sorry.

You sat in an open field, watching the clouds roll past the moon, which was shining extra bright that night. The clouds moved to show off the moon's bright surface. You sighed, admiring its beauty. Someone sat next to you.

"Hey, what's with you?" You look next to you. "Hey, Ed! I was just looking at the moon. It's really pretty tonight." You rested your head on Ed's shoulder. "You know, Ed, when I was younger, my wish was to have my first kiss with the moonlight shining down." You laughed a bit. "I know it sounds stupid, but I was only, like, six when I wished for it. So don't judge!" You look at him, then quickly look away. "And, I've always kind of had a small crush on you."

"Well, it looks like your wish is gonna come true." You looked at him in confusion. His lips made contact with yours as you felt yourself grow warmer. He noticed and broke the kiss, looking you in the eye. "Hey, you alright? You look red." You covered your face. "Oh my god, Ed, that was the most romantic thing you have ever done! I think I just might faint!" You looked at him, your face beet red. "Oh dear god. I wasn't expecting this to happen." He rubbed the back of his head. You giggled, resting your body against his. You felt your eyes get heavy with sleep. The cold wind blew against your body. You instinctively hugged yourself for warm. You felt warmth as Ed pulled you closer. You looked at your arms and saw that Ed's coat was over your body. You looked back at Ed, then rested your head against his shoulder. You closed your eyes, and fell asleep in Ed's embrace.

Now that this is done, time to finish the Kid one. Or scrap it, cause I really wanna work on a new one. Eh, I'll finish it. You guys are lucky I'm nice. Anyway, see you next time!


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