[Kid Icarus Uprising]Pit x Reader x Dark Pit: Bonding Time

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Note, there is some swearing, so if that's not your cup of tea, that's just a heads up.

You stormed home from school, mumbling incoherent sentences. You had a terrible day and you just wanted to get away from it. You got to the front door of your home and got out your key. You turned it and walked in, throwing your bag onto the floor and falling face first on the couch. You didn't realize your two angel friends were still in the house as you groaned loudly in frustration.

The two cautiously walked down the stairs, Dark Pit trying to be as quiet as possible since last time you were this pissed you threw him out the window and into the freezing cold snow. "Y/N-chan?" Pit poked you gently, trying not to annoy you. "What is it?" You ask, venom still in your voice as your eyes shot nonexistent daggers at him. "Are y-you okay?" He asked, visibly shaking in fear. "Oh yeah, don't worry, I'm just peachy!" You said sarcastically, acting cheerful. "Really?" Pit cocked his head to the side.

"Of course not, you dumbass!" You yelled. He stiffened. Your expression softend and you sighed. "Sorry, Pit. I just had a really bad day and I just want to be left alone for a while." The two angels looked at each other, as if telepathically discussing what to do. The two sighed, no ideas coming to their heads. They sat on either side of you. "Y/N, do you want to maybe tell us what happened?" Dark Pit asked,being surprisingly nice to you. "There's something wrong with you. Are you feeling well? Are you even Dark Pit?" He raised an eyebrow. Even Pit was a bit scared. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, you're being nice and your usually grumpy and hiding upstairs doing whatever." He was about to say something before stopping himself, taking a deep breath to calm down. "Anyway, I don't wanna talk about it, so will you guys please just go back upstairs for a while?" You groaned. The two moved closer to you. Pit looked you in the eye, a smile remaining on his face. Dark Pit did the same, which freaked you out a bit, but you realized he looked adorable doing it. Dark Pit? Adorable? IS THE WORLD COMING TO AN END!?

You sighed. "O-Okay. I guess I can't argue with you guys." You went on about your day, tears threatening to escape from your eyes occasionally. Once you had finished, the two looked at each other with concern. You held back tears as you remembered what you saw. Your boyfriend cheating on you, you breaking up with him, your rival laughing at you, all of it. Every little detail. Eventually, you gave up and covered your face with your hands as you sobbed, alarming the two next to you. "Y/N-chan?!" Pit tried to look at your face, but you turned and buried your face into something, which was Dark Pit's chest. He looked at Pit, still concerned and confused. What should we do? He asked, his thoughts passing to Pit. I don't know. He replied. Well, her parents will be home any second, so think of something! Otherwise they'll think it's our fault.

Dark Pit wrapped his arms around you and stroked your hair. "It's alright. We all have days like this." He said calmly. You looked at him with surprise. Pit, feeling left out, joined the hug. "Don't cry, okay, Y/N-chan?" Pit smiled sweetly. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!?" Your dad yelled.

"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE, MR.L/N!" The two jumped to their feet with their arms in the air. "Dad, they were just trying to make me feel better. Teenage drama and all that." You explain. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "I've got my eye on you two." He said before walking to his room. The three of you sighed. Pit sat down and snuggled up to you. "Pit, what're you doing?" You asked. Dark Pit sat down as well, but he just reclined on the couch. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Pit. You know how overprotective Y/N's dad is. And scary." He shivered at the thought of your dad yelling at them. If he was scary enough to terrify Dark Pit with his presence alone, then imagine how your friends felt.

"Now that I think about it, that might be why my boyfriend was cheating on me. I mean, my dad IS pretty scary." You heard footsteps storming down the hall. "Your boyfriend was doing WHAT!?" Your dad yelled, slamming the door open. "Nothing, dad. And he's not my boyfriend anymore." You told him. "Oh really? Good riddance! I never liked that kid! What was his name?"

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