[Osomatsu-san] Karamatsu x Reader: To Be Loved

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How much longer can I run like this? Y/N gasped for breath as she ran from her abusive boyfriend, Kage, gripping the shoulder of her broken left arm. She came up to a bridge and jumped into the river below. Y/N felt her body relax, believing this to be a dream and wanting to stay in the river forever. However, she began to realize that this was reality and started to panic. Her arm was broken and she wasn't a good swimmer to begin with. She began to feel lightheaded from holding her breath for too long and gave in to the need to breathe. When she opened her mouth, water poured into her lungs. She watched as the bubbles of air flouted out of her mouth before disappearing from the water.

As her vision began to blur, she felt something tug on her arm, pulling her out of the water. She gasped for breath, coughing up the water that had filled her lungs.

"H__..._r_ ___ __a_?" Y/N could hear someone speaking, but her ears were still clogged up with water. "H_y...c__ y_u __ar _e?"

Y/N hit the side of her head, trying to get the water out. "Hey! Answer me, Y/N! Are you alright?!" Y/N's eyes widened at the mention of her name. "Wh-Who...?" She looked up at her savior, seeing the second eldest Matsuno brother, Karamatsu. "Kara...? What are you doing out so late?" She asked. "I think the more important question is why did you jump into the river?!"

"Y/N!" Y/N looked up, seeing Kage running across the bridge. "Oh no...oh no no no no!" Y/N wanted to curl up in a ball and hide. "Y/N? What's wrong?" Y/N was visibly shaking from a combination of fear and the cold air. She buried her face in Kara's chest, hoping Kage would simply run past them. Of course, luck wasn't on her side today. "Y/N! Who is this!?" Y/N flinched at her boyfriend's volume. She remained quiet, moving closer to Karamatsu.

Kage pulled her away from the other male, infuriated. "Are you cheating on me, you bitch?!" Y/N closed her eyes tightly, tears rolling down her face. Kage grew impatient and slapped her. "Answer me!" Karamatsu stepped in. "Stop. That's not how you treat a lady." Y/N looked at the male, tears overflowing. "Shut it! Don't interfere! If you're trying to steal her, then tough luck! She loves me!"

Y/N muttered something just barely audible enough for Kage to hear. "What was that?" Y/N looked up, anger in her eyes. "I said I'm not an object! All you do is yell at me and abuse me! If you call that love, then you're a twisted human being!" Y/N then ran away, leaving Karamatsu and Kage behind. Karamatsu glared at the other male before shoving him into the river and running after Y/N.

"Y/N?! Y/N, where are you?!" Karamatsu ran down the street, calling out the girl's name. He saw her figure collapsed on the side of the road, a small pool of blood forming under her. "Y/N!" Y/N struggled to stand up at the male's voice. He ran to her side, getting on his knees in front of her. He was now able to see the damage that was done to her shoulder. Blood ran down her arm from the gash on her shoulder. It looked like a nerve was cut because her arm wouldn't move.

"Did that guy do this to you?" Y/N nodded as tears pricked her eyes. She dove for the male, sobbing into his chest as she gripped his hoodie with her good hand. "Y/N, come on. We should head to my house." Karamatsu carefully picked up the girl and walked back to his home with Y/N in his arms.

"Osomatsu nii-san, where the hell did Shittymatsu say he was going?" Ichimatsu asked, clearly not caring. "For a walk, I think. He said he'd be back in a few minutes. Choromatsu, what time did he leave, again?" Osomatsu asked the other, laying down on the floor. "About seven. He's been gone for about two hours now." Just after his statement, Karamatsu came into the room, Y/N sobbing and shivering in his arms. "Y/N-chan?! Karamatsu, what the hell happened?!" Oso jumped from his spot on the floor, almost falling onto the table in the center of the room. "She was running from her 'boyfriend' and jumped into the river. She's lucky I was there."

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