[Super Danganronpa 2] Nagito Komaeda x Reader: Safe and Sound

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I like Nagito way too much, but then again, I'm attracted to the weird and insane characters, so that could be part of it. Anyway, I got this idea from a Komahina oneshot I read (I ship it like Fedex.), and btw, yes, that Gundam X Reader is coming so do not worry.

Y/N looked worriedly at the sky. As the Ultimate Meteorologist, she knew what the dark clouds and pouring rain meant. Thunder. She saw Nagito from the hotel entrance, him running to his cottage. What's with him? She sighed, looking at the Report Cards on her E-Handbook. She never checked it, since she never hung out with anyone besides Sonia and Hajime. The first thing she looked at were his likes and dislikes.
Likes: Shiny things
Dislikes: Loud noises

"Ah, I see." She spoke aloud. "He doesn't like loud noises, so logic dictates that he'd greatly dislike thunderstorms." After she said that, a loud crash of thunder made her jump and drop her E-Handbook in a puddle. She quickly picked it up, dried it off, and shoved it in her coat pocket. She pulled up her hood and ran to her cottage. She wasn't look at where she was going, so she entered Nagito's by mistake. She didn't care. She just wanted to hide in the corner of a room with her knees pulled to her chest and face down, which is exactly what she did.

Nagito jumped when he heard the door open, looking to see Y/N, hood over her head and coat soaked completely. She sat in the corner, her knees bent towards the sky with her head facing down. Nagito was worried. "Y/N?" He wanted to know what was wrong. He took out his E-Handbook, looking for Y/N's name. He found it and looked at her likes and dislikes.
Likes: (favorite thing)
Dislikes: Thunderstorms

Kind of ironic for the Ultimate Meteorologist to be afraid of thunderstorms. He thought. He would've laughed a bit, but he'd feel like he was making fun of her. He looked back at her. He walked to her, leaving his E-Handbook on his bed. "Hey, Y/N? Are you okay?" He asked once he was in front of her. She jumped, thinking she was in her cottage. She looked up, seeing grey eyes staring at her with concern. "Nagito? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing. This is my cottage." She looked around, confused. "What are you doing in the corner?" Nagito asked. A strike of thunder caused both of them to jump, Y/N trembling from both fear and cold. Nagito noticed this and lifted her up, making her gasp a bit. He brought her to his bed and sat her down. He took off his jacket and draped it over her. She looked at him, hand holding the jacket. He smiled kindly. Another burst of thunder caused Y/N to instinctively hold something, which was Nagito. He held her tightly, trying his best to stay calm.

He combed his fingers through her hair, which she found calming. She felt surprisingly safe, even though the storm was still going outside. Nagito, however, was scared out of his mind. The next bang of thunder broke his facade as a small scream escaped his lips, startling Y/N. "Nagito, please, don't scare me like that!" She said, yelling a little. "S-Sorry, I-I didn't m-mean to." He was visibly trembling. Y/N's glare softened as she pulled him closer. "Nagito, you didn't have to pretend you're not scared. I know you are." She whispered softly. Nagito felted safe and comfortable in her embrace. He smiled as he rested his head against hers. He closed his eyes, the thunder no longer frightening to him. He fell asleep like that.

After realizing he was asleep, Y/N laid him down in his bed and put his jacket on the hangers near the door. She sat on the edge of his bed, looking at the boy who was sleeping peacefully. She lifted his bangs and kissed his forehead. As she was about to get up, Nagito subconsciously wrapped his arms around her, preventing her from getting up. She blushed as he hugged her tighter, refusing to let go. She knew there was no way out of his grip, so she got comfortable and slept in his arms.

Nagito woke up and saw Y/N, their noses just barely touching. He blushed after realizing this. Y/N woke up and noticed the distance between them. A blush appeared on her face and she sat up, covering her face. Nagito sat up too. He grabbed her wrists and moved her hands away from her face, her blush getting brighter. He let go of her wrists, sitting with his legs crossed on the bed. "You know, I've always had a small crush on you, but, I understand if you don't want to have useless trash like me as your boyfriend."

Y/N was silent, unable to form any words. Nagito looked down at the bed, saddened. "I see. I guess I just made this awkward for you, huh? You don't have to hang out with me at all if you don't want to. I understand." Y/N shook her head. "Nagito, it's not that I don't like you, it's just that...I didn't really expect you of all people to have a crush on me." She explained, twiddling her thumbs. He looked at her with a little smile. "Then does that mean you like me the same?" He asked, trying not to get his hopes up. She looked at the floor, nodding slightly.

He turned her head so she was facing him, then tilted her chin up so she was looking directly at him. He closed the distance between them and pressed his lips against hers, feeling himself heat up. She kissed back, smiling through it. The two parted, smiling wide. "Looks like I have a new boyfriend now."

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