[Undertale] Underswap!Sans x Reader: Freezing

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Are you surprised by the fact I did an Undertale one shot? Are ya? Huhuhuhuh? But, in all seriousness, Underswap Sans is the cutest thing ever. Just, HNNNG!!! So cute! WHY IS HE SO CUTE!? I JUST WANNA HUG HIM! Anyway, fangirling aside, let's write!

"Why is this place so cold? HOW IS THERE EVEN SNOW DOWN HERE?" You held your bare arms, freezing from the wind. You bolted across the white landscape. You weren't paying attention to where you were going and bumped into someone. You stood up. "I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" You stuck your hand out and looked at who you bumped into. He looked at you and his eyes lit up with joy. "Oh my god, a human!" He exclaimed. You were beyond confused. This guy's probably the weirdest person I've ever met. You thought. He took your hand and you pulled him up. "Sorry about that. What's yo-" He had already run to the other side of the bridge. "Oh boy."

-Time Skip to outside Snowdin-
"Snow, snow, SNOW! All there is is SNOW!" You complained. Your entire body was frozen. Your feet ached and the two skeletal brothers really didn't help, and although their antics were amusing, you just wished they didn't bother you. You fell into the snow, too tired and cold to get up. "How do they d-deal with th-this?! It's f-freezing out here!" You rubbed your arms. Just then, luck decided to be kind to you.

"What're you doing sitting in the snow?" Papyrus stopped walking, giving you a questioning look. "Oh, be q-quiet. I'm just s-sitting here cause I want t-to. Got a p-problem with that?" You glared a him. "Well, whatever floats your boat. Later." With that, he left. You heard another voice. "Wait, Papyrus! Where are you going!? You better not be napping again!"

You stood up, trying your best to walk with your numb and freezing body which probably already got frostbite. You were sleepy and you felt like just sleeping in the snow. "Human! Is something wrong?" Sans asked. "Firstly, my name is Y/N, and secondly, I'm fine." Your knees were weak, and your next step made you fall face first into the snow. "Human! You lied! You're not fine!" You glared at him as you stood up. "Would it kill you to use my name at least once?!" You yelled, causing Sans to take a few steps back. A sigh escaped your lips as you tried to walk.

-Time Skip to other side of Snowdin-
You had walked to the other side of the small town. "I'm just gonna... sleep for... a few... minutes..." You fell asleep in the snow.

-A few minutes later-
"Where is the human? I've been waiting for her for five minutes already." Sans sighed, stamping his foot impatiently.

"I'll go find her." He walked to the town. He tripped over something and looked to see what it was. He gasped as he bolted to his feet. "Human! Y-Y/N! Ohgodisshedead? Shelooksdead. Pleasetellmeshesnotdead!"
In case you're too lazy to figure out what he's saying on your own. [Oh god is she dead? She looks dead. Please tell me she's not dead!]

He lifted you up and ran to his house. He threw you on the couch and threw a blanket over you. You bundled yourself up in the blanket and smiled. He collapsed on the floor, still in a panicked state. "Sans, what are you doing on the floor and why is the human in our house." Papyrus asked. "The human-Y/N, was lying in the snow." Sans replied, watching you from his spot on the floor.

Night came and the two brothers went to their rooms to sleep. You were tossing an turning on the couch. You fell off, letting a small scream escape your lips as your back hit the floor. You winced as your back recoiled from the fall. You heard footsteps practically stampede down the stairs. You climbed back onto the couch, your eyes still heavy with sleep. "H-Human! What happened!? Did you hurt yourself!?" Sans fired off questions like a machine gun, leaving no time for you to reply. You put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "I'm fine, Sans. I just fell off the couch. Go back to bed." You tried to reassure him, but he clearly wasn't convinced. "Human, don't lie to me." He said sternly, much to your surprise. "I'm serious, I'm fine. Now go back to bed." You rolled onto your side, your back facing the skeleton behind you. He muttered something, then you arched your back as something hit it right where it hit the floor. "Ow!" You held your back, glaring at Sans over your shoulder.

"Okay, fine, I may have a bruise, but thanks to you, it's gonna turn into a bump in the morning." You rolled your eyes in annoyance. "Happy?" He smiled. "Yeah. Well, I'll head to bed. Goodnight." He started heading towards the stairs.
"Oh, Sans!" He turned around to face you. "Yes, human?"

"Firstly, I've told you about twelve times to call me Y/N, and secondly, ..." You walked to him and kissed him lightly on the forehead. "Goodnight." Flustered, he ran up the stairs, leaving you behind. You giggled. That was adorable.

The cuteness is overwhelming. Anyway, see you next time!


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