[Fire Emblem Fates] Takumi x Reader: Distrust

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I eyed Y/N with spite. She's the reason Mother died. She's the reason we have to fight this war. SHE'S the reason I keep having the same damn nightmare! I don't care what people say. She isn't my sister and I'm not gonna take her orders and stand by her side! Someone walked over to me. "Yes, what d-oh. It's you." I said, venom in my voice. "Takumi, why do you keep avoiding me?" Y/N asked, sadness in her eyes. I felt a little guilty, but it was quickly replaced with anger. "I think the answer's obvious. I don't trust you. You're the reason Mother is dead. I'm not going to follow whatever orders you give. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to practice." I turned and walked away.

I pulled the bowstring back, the arrow appearing once I went far enough. I fired, hitting dead-center on the target. I could see Y/N speaking with Ryoma. Probably about the way I treated her a while ago. Ryoma nodded and walked over to me. "Takumi, can I speak with you for a moment?" He asked. I put my bow down. "Let me guess, this is about how I acted towards Y/N, is it?" I said, folding my arms. "Yes. Listen, Takumi. I know you're still hung up on Mother's death, but-"

"But nothing! I don't care what anyone says, she's the reason Mother's gone and you know it! She may be your sister, but she's not mine." I knew he was going to yell at me, so I grabbed my bow and ran into the woods. "Takumi!"

I stopped once I felt I was deep enough in the woods. I collapsed to the ground, exhausted. I sat against a tree and rested. I kept have flashbacks of Mother, all leading up to her death. Tears filled my eyes as each memory passed, until it was too much to bear. I buried my face in my knees, wrapping my arms around them.

"Takumi? Where are you! Takumi?" I could hear Y/N's voice calling my name. I don't care if she finds me. I heard footsteps approach and looked up. Y/N was looking at me, her stare beginning to burn into my head. I put my head back down. "Takumi? Listen, I know you hate me, but...I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you. It's my fault Mother died. But I need you to cooperate with me and the others. Once this is over, you can hate me all you want, because I deserve all of it. I just hope you'll forgive me someday." I looked back up at her. She was now on her knees, tears beginning to form in her eyes. I placed my hand against her cheek and wiped away her tears with my thumb. She looked at me, eyes wide. "Takumi...?" I moved my legs so I was sitting on them.

"I'm sorry that I was so rude to you. I was just...so hung up on Mother's death that I despised you and antagonized you. I'm sorry." She was silent for a moment before throwing her arms around me, sobbing into my chest. "Y/N?" She buried her face in the crook of my neck, tears refusing to stop. I wrapped my arms around her, stroking her hair with one. "Shh, don't cry. It's okay." I spoke with a soothing tone and her crying died down a bit. "Takumi..." She sounded like she wanted to tell me something. "Yes, Y/N?" I remained silent. "I know we aren't really related by blood." My eyes widened. "How did you-" She held up the letter Mother gave me when Y/N came here. "Hinata found this next to your bed."

"Well, now my feelings are no longer forbidden." She looked up and me. "What do you mean?" I smiled. "Close your eyes for a second." She did as asked. I closed the distance between us and our lips connected. She gasped slightly before melting into the kiss. We soon parted for air.

"I can't believe I just did that."

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