[New Danganronpa V3] Ouma Kokichi x Reader: It Was Me

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I'm sorry, I had to. I'm not gonna use the same deaths as the game, so there are no spoilers for the game.

"Hey, Y/N, wanna help me prank Miu? It's gonna be-" Ouma froze as he opened the door to the game room. No one else was there except for Y/N, lying on her side as she held her stomach with blood staining her sleeves. "O-Ouma..?"

"Y-Y/N!" He ran in, falling to his knees in front of her. He looked her over with wide eyes. "Y/N, who-"



"Now!" Y/N coughed as she raised her voice. Ouma stood up hesitantly. "A-Alright. I'll be right back." With that, he ran out of the room to find to others.

Ouma ran into the cafeteria in a rush, stumbling as the door flew open. The others looked over at the dictator who had just ran in, some with confusion, others with a scowl. He fell to his knees, hugging himself while he caught his breath. "Help..."

"Ouma?" Saihara moved over to the boy, getting on his knees. "Y/N...help her...p-please..." Ouma said between breaths. "What happened to Y/N?"

"Ignore him, Shuuichi. He's probably lying." Maki stated, glaring and the purple haired boy. "I'm not lying this time! I swear I'm telling the truth!" Ouma yelled, tears stinging his eyes.

"And here come the crocodile tears. Listen, Kokichi. Your stupid joke isn't working. Stop with the act."

"I'm not joking! This isn't an act! Y/N's really in trouble! If we don't help her, she'll-"

"Shut up, Kokichi!" Maki snapped at him, glaring daggers at the boy. "Saihara, y-you believe me, right?" Saihara hesitated to answer. "Angie?" Angie hesitated to answer. "K-Kiibo?" Kiibo hesitated to answer. "Anyone?"


"It wouldn't hurt to check, right?" Kaito broke the silence. Ouma looked up at him. "Ouma, can you show us where she is?" Saihara asked. Ouma stood up and nodded, running to the game room with the others behind him. He slammed the door open, smiling brightly.

"Y/N! I'm back! The others are here too! You're gonna be okay!" No response. "Y/N?" He went into the room, getting on his knees next to her. She didn't move, her chest didn't rise and fall, her eyes were closed, and her lips were curved into a smile. "Y/N, th-this is a prank, right? Haha, okay, Y/N, you got me. Y-You can stop now!" Still no response.

"Y-Y/N?" He shook her a bit, but she didn't do anything to show she was still alive. "Y/N?! Y/N! Wake up! Please!" Ouma yelled, tears dripping on the ground. He noticed something written in blood on the floor.

Ouma, I'm so sorry to leave you like this. I know you wanted us to leave together. Before I die, I just want to say that I love you and I hope you make it out of this alive. Thank you so much for being there with me. I love you.

Ouma gasped. "Y/N..." He looked from the message to the girl next to him, tears flowing like rivers. He hugged her lifeless body as sobs wracked his body. "I love you! Please don't do this to me!" Ouma yelled. The others didn't seem to believe him at first, but then the body discovery announcement went off.

-Class Trial-------------------------------
"It was me! I killed her!" Ouma yelled. "Ouma, the evidence clearly shows that-"

"I'm the killer! Just hurry up and vote already! I know you all want me dead, right?! I can see it in your eyes! So hurry up and vote, dammit!" The boy was in tears, yelling violently. "Ouma, calm down, okay?"

"Don't tell me to calm down! I killed her and I should be punished for that, right?! Then hurry up! I did it! I killed her and now I have to die because of that! Just vote, dammit!"

"Ouma, what's gotten into you?!" Kiibo asked, concerned. "Shut up, shut up, shut up! I killed Y/N L/N, so I don't deserve to keep living anymore!" He yelled, tears rolling down his face. "Ouma!" Said boy jumped at the sound of Kiibo yelling his name. "Y/N wanted you to leave here alive, didn't she? Are you really going to ignore her dying wish?!"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut..." Ouma fell to his knees, hugging himself as tears welled up in his eyes. "All the evidence points to the killer being...Maki..." Saihara looked at the girl with a mix of anger and sadness. "Maki, why-"

"That girl was nothing but an annoying little brat born to be killed. I was doing her a favor." Ouma, in a fit of rage, ran to Maki and took the top of her shirt in his hands. "Shut up! You didn't know her like I did! You don't deserve to speak of her!" Maki slapped him off of her. "I don't care. Besides, you're even more of a brat than she was."

"Shut up! She wasn't a brat! She was the nicest person I've ever met and she didn't deserve this!" Ouma yelled, Gonta and Angie holding him back. "Monokuma, are we ready for the execution?"

"Yup! Let's get this show on the road!"

"Ouma?" Saihara knocked on the door to Ouma's room. "Ouma, come on, you can't still be hung up on her death." He pressed his ear against the door. "Y/N...I'm so sorry..."

"Ouma..." Saihara sighed, walking away from the door. "I'll come back later." He said, glancing at the door one last time before walking away.

Ouma sobbed, clutching a fav/c sweatshirt in his hands. He hadn't left his room since Maki's execution, which had happened two days ago. He wouldn't talk to anyone, not even Rantarou. It was unclear how long he'd be like this.

"Ouma can't stay locked in his room like this forever." Rantarou sighed. "It can't be helped. Ouma and Y/N were really close, and Y/N was a very kind person." Saihara said, resting his head on his hand. "Well, let's just hope he will at least be able to keep her death from getting to him too much in the future." Kiibo added. "You're right. I just wish he would at least acknowledge us when we try to talk to him. I want to help him out as best as I can, but I can't do that when he won't even acknowledge me." Saihara rested his head on the table.

"Just give him time. He just needs some space for a little bit." Kaito added. "Yeah, I guess you have a point." Rantarou sighed. "He just needs some space."

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