AU #5

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Holy crap! This is the fiftieth chapter in my book! I just wanted to give a HUGE thank you to all the people who have read all my imagines (good and bad) from the beginning. It means soooooo much, and I can't even explain.

Anyway, this is a Divergent AU!

I remembered back to the day I chose to be a Dauntless. I was so shocked when my twin brother, Thomas, chose to be dauntless too.

The thing was, I wasn't fearful of what was to come.

Maybe that's why I'm dauntless. I can control my fears and I don't have many.

"Hey, Y/n/n." Newt smirked.
"Hey Newt." I smiled, "Is it time for the fear stimulations?"
"Yeah." He grew serious and asked me if I was nervous.
"Surprisingly not." I shrugged.
"Me neither."

We sat next to each other while we waited and eventually Newt had to go in.

"Good luck."
"You too."

Before I knew it my turn came up.

"Remember," my instructor stated, "figure out a way to get your rate heart down. You'll be facing your worst fears."

I said okay and he stuck a needle in my neck. I wasn't afraid of needles, they just made me uncomfortable.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them I wasn't in the chair anymore.

I was in a the training room.

To my left there was the fighting rings and I saw Gally and Thomas in one together. My heart dropped as I watched Gally pummel Thomas.

"No!" I screamed as I ran over to them.

I tried to grab onto Gally's arm, but he ended up hitting me. The pain was piercing, but I was calmed, knowing that Thomas wasn't hurting anymore.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice called out. I was near the pit.
"Thomas?" I asked. His face was all cleaned up and he didn't have a black eye...
"Ready for supper?"
"Sure." I replied uneasily.

We walked down a hallway and once we passed one hallway I stopped dead in my tracks.

It was Newt. With another girl.

He had her pinned against the wall and they were kissing.

I felt tears prick my eyes and Thomas asked if I were coming.

"Y/n?" Newt questioned when he saw me standing there. Thomas seemed to have disappeared because when I looked back for him no one was there. "What are you doing here?"
"I-I-" I couldn't get the imagine of Newt kissing the other girl out of my head. He kept smiling at her. "You're- you're dating-"
"Yeah. We're together. You don't- you aren't jealous, are you?" He laughed. "You are!"
"No." I balled my fists defiantly. I wouldn't cry in front of him.
"Of course you are." He got closer to me, "You've had a thing for me since the first day."

That's when I realized there was a flaw. I didn't have a thing for Newt since the first day. It took about a week for me to realize my feelings for him.

Then the scenery swapped again.

It was simply Newt dying. My breath caught. I just knew he was.

"Y/n," he croaked, "Y/n."

I tried to slow my heart rate. I really tried.

"Newt?" I asked, "Newt, answer me seriously."
"What is it?" He coughed.
"What is your favorite color?"
"What the- Y/n. I'm dying."
"No you're not." I stated as the scenery changed once again.

Before I knew it the scenery swapped to the room where I first got my shot to put me in the crazy zone.

"Excellent job, Y/n." My instructor said.
"How is this supposed to be scary?" I asked.
"It's over." They looked at me perplexedly.
"How do I know?" I countered, "How do I know for sure?"

I looked around and realized that I really was awake.

"Okay." I said.
"Your results were fantastic," he stated as I wobbly stood up, "you only had eleven fears."
"Alright." I stated, the thoughts of the nightmares still getting to me.
"Feel free to get something to drink plus some food to replenish yourself."
"Okay." I muttered.

The visions still haunted me.

"Y/n!" Newt exclaimed. He made his way over to me and didn't hesitate as he pressed his lips to mine, kissing me. I gasped, but kissed him back. "I am not losing you again."
"I was in your fears?" I asked.
"Yeah." He scratched the back of his neck.
"You were in mine too." I said, thinking of Newt dying right in front of me, "You were dying in one. I had to ask what your favorite color was to lighten the mood and get my heart rate down."
He chuckled and said that his favorite color was orange.
"Good to know."

The next time I had to face my fears I thought of my Newt and all the kisses and 'I love you's' we shared and how his favorite color was orange.

Idk guys, all my author's not was basically up there^^^

So I'll just say thank you again!!! THANK YOU!!!

Oh wait... I just remembered something... Okay guys. So are any of you going to Glader Con? I'm seriously SO sad that I can't go, but if you are going- comment, and we can celebrate and be happy for you. :)


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