
1.1K 43 14

Thank you for the request from @Wintery_Wonwoo !! It was a great idea :)

"Hey, Y/n."

"What?" I blinked and looked up from my book, "How long have I been reading?"

"Quite a few hours, love." Newt happily replied.

I felt a bit dazed to be so suddenly back in the real world, but Newt grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"We're going outside."

"Not much of a choice, I see." I chuckled.

"Y/n, it's the perfect snowy day. The snowflakes aren't too big and aren't too small. They're falling soft enough to-"

"You've put way too much thought into how the snow is falling." I chuckled, tugging on my puffy jacket.

"Whatever," he opened the door and we stepped outside.

"What are we going to do, exactly?"

He was quietly picking up snow, and I watch him form it into the perfect snowball.


He threw it at me, and it exploded into small groups of flakes. The chill bit at my nose, and I dashed away, getting ready for a full on snowball war.

When I was around the corner, safe from enemy fire, I made a small haphazard pile of snowballs. Before I knew it, he was pelting me and I had to retaliate.

"Take that! And that!" I shouted, missing him several times. Hey! I'm not athletically gifted!

He was laughing and before I could process what was happening, a snowball hit me smack-dab in the middle of my face and I had fallen over.

"Y/n!" Newt had a panicky tone in his voice, "Y/n! Are you okay?"

My eyes were closed and he practically dove into the snow, kneeling beside me.

"Y/n! Y/n, wake up!" He pleaded, shaking me.

I groaned and opened my eyes. He kissed me out of joy and the fact that he hadn't concussed me.

I ended up kissing him back, and I felt as though it was slightly worth getting hit in the face just to experience that moment.

Fam, I got six hours of sleep and I'm not used to functioning on that. Ughhh getting up for school is going to be so annoying

Anyway—on a much happier note—I wanted to thank y'all because I reached 23k views! That's amazing!

Lots of love!


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