Chapter 1

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All your dreams are made
When you're chained to (your) mirror with (your) razor blade
Today's the day that all the world will see
Another sunny afternoon
(I'm) walking to the sound of your favorite tune
Tomorrow never knows what it doesn't know too soon

Morning Glory, Oasis

"UGHHHH" I quickly grabbed my phone off my nightstand, swiping the off button on my alarm. I rolled onto my back and looked up at the ceiling not really ready for the day.

I lived with my Parents and my two older siblings in Llandudno. My two older siblings are both 18 and are twins. Ones named Jackson and the other Jameson. Jackson is a but annoying and can't keep a secret to save his life. The other, Jameson, is probably my best friend and I could tell him anything. Then there's little 15 year old me. I was the baby of the family who never got a word in edge wise. I didn't know if it was because of my Blonde hair and bright blue eyes unlike my family with Brown hair and green eyes or the fact I was more musical than them I wasn't sure.

We all moved here a week ago from New York City. I didn't understand why we had to move here if we're being honest. I knew money was tight but I didn't realize money was that tight.

I rolled out of bed and my feet hitting the freezing cold wood floors. Goosebumps traced my whole body and I immediately grabbed the blanket off my bed, wrapping it around me. I picked my phone up as well before walking down stairs. I started school this week but luckily it was still Saturday. Back home school would have already started but in England it didn't start till this coming week which is nice.

I entered the kitchen and no one was up yet. It was seven now so that meant I had about another two hours before anyone else would be up. I decided to get dress and go walking before the city was up. I headed back upstairs into my room and shut the door behind me. I tossed my phone and blanket into the bed before throwing my closet open.

   I grabbed my blackish-gray stone washed jeans, my gray bra, gray loose shirt, black shoes, and beanie

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I grabbed my blackish-gray stone washed jeans, my gray bra, gray loose shirt, black shoes, and beanie. I slipped all of that on as well as socks before doing some winged eyeliner and making sure my Blonde hair was fine. I sprayed some perfume on and grabbed my ciggies, phone, and Cash. I grabbed my light wash jean jacket before leaving the house.

It was dark dreary outside with fog set in and cold January air. I walked down the street with my hands shoved in my pockets walking where ever. I didn't know my way around the town that well but I was sure I could figure it out. As I was walking by a coffee shop I opened my packet of ciggies and grabbed one. I searched in my pockets for a lighter before realizing I didn't have one.

"Fuck!" I cried out almost feeling defeated.

"Need a light" I looked over at the guy a few feet away from me with a cup of tea and a ciggie.

"Yes please" normally I wouldn't of accepted someone's offer to light a cig but I was desperate.

I walked over to him and he held his already lit lighter out for me to light it. I bent down a little ,holding on to the stress relevier, lighting it. Once lit I stood up straight breathing in the smoke before blowing it out.

"Thank you" I sighed already feeling a bit better.

"No problem Love " I looked at him actually taking in his features and he was absolutely attractive.

   "No problem Love " I looked at him actually taking in his features and he was absolutely attractive

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He had mousy brown hair, baby pink lips, and these eyes. These eyes we're so captivating with ocean blue color with a hint of green and long eye lashes that reminded you a bit of Paul McCartney's. His accent when he spoke put you under a spell.

I didn't, however, notice that I was starring at him before he snapped his fingers in my face.

"Earth to beautiful girl" he said making me jump and blush.

"Sorry...I-I must be going" I was turning to walk away but he grabbed me and I immediately looked back at him.

"Will you stay and have a cuppa with me" he asked as I stared deep in his eyes "I'm haven't seen you around I wanna get to know you"

I think you can guess what I said to him as I sat down on front of him.

"I'm Ryan Evan McCann by the way but my friends just call me Van " the guy I now knew as Van told me sticking his hand out for me to shake.

I accepted and shook his hand back "Nice to meet you Van, I'm Lyla Cobain"

He smiled at me and his smile made me melt. He was absolutely perfect.

"Here I'm gonna go get you a cuppa I'll be back"

Before I could say anything he got up and went into the shop to fetch me a cup.

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