Chapter 29

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《 LYLA 》

We arrived at the guys flat which I hadn't yet been too. It was alot bigger as it was much more like a house but obviously it would since it's housing 5 people. We walked up to the door with Charlie in Vans arms. He was already very much a Daddys boy that was for sure.

The door opened before either of us had a chance to open it. Larry stood at the door with a big grin on his face. He averted his eyes to the boy who was shying away a bit.

"Oh my god.." Larry breathed out "he looks exactly like you as a baby"

Van grinned ear to ear once he said that "Mccann jeans are very strong"

I giggled a bit and just shook my head "yes, yes they are now Charlie" I said directing my attention to the boy who was seeming to get a bit more comfortable "say hello to your Uncle Larry"

Charlie immediately perked up "U-Uncy rarry"

Van immediately busted out laughing but Larry was even happier. "Ahh come here" He couldn't pronounce his l's sometimes.

Larry picked Charlie up from Vans arms and Charlie looked a bit unsure "here come on in"

We all walked inside finally and went into the living room where the rest of the lids sat. Once they heard us enter they directed their attention towards us then to Charlie.

"Holy fuck!" Bondy half exclaimed as he looked at Charlie.

Benji and Bob both choked on their drinks once they saw him.

"It's like George Harrison and his son Danni, they both look exactly alike" Benji commented as the three got up to greet the child.

Charlie was then passed around to each of the guys and they greeted each other. Charlie loved all of then except for Benji. Once Char was passed to Benji he screamed like the world was gonna end.

"Oh god I'm sorry Benji I'm sure he's just tired it's nothing against you" I reassured a sad looking Benji as I tried calming down Charlie which wasn't working too well.

" Here give me Charlie and I'll take him for a walk in the back garden you just relax" Van picked a Charlie up, giving me a kiss, and then dissappeared down a small corridor.

I sat down and the guys looked at each other then back at me. "What?" I asked genuinely wondering why they were just staring at me.

"Nothing it's just we've never seen Van so protective and obviously not seen him be so fatherly yet....its different....yet sweet" Larry said amd the other lads agreed.

They were right I mean Van had really taken on the fatherly role very quickly. From the time lost with Charlie and Vans nature of just caring, he had changed when Charlie was around.

After talking for a bit I needed to use the bathroom and Bob kindly volunteered to show me where it was, though I noticed the looks everyone gave him when he did. I just brushed it off. Once we were up the stairs he took the down the right corridor.

"Here it is" he pointed to the door and before I could say thank you I was pushed against the wall.

Bobs lips were on mine and I froze like a deer in headlights. This is not the time and this not the place. I pushed Bob off of me and I saw the regret in his eyes although that didn't hold back my anger.

"What the fuck Bob" I hissed trying to keep my voice down and made his eyes go wide.

"I-I I'm s-sorry I d-dont know what I was t-thinking" he stuttered out as his face flushed.

All the moments between Bob and I made alot more sense now. The time I saw I'm silently cry, the emotions flash through his eyes of anger, jealously, sadness, and so on made sense now.

"Just... don't, no I'm with Van...I love van... your nice Bob I just don't feel the same"

Hurt flashed in his eyes and he nodded. " I understand I don't know what came over me"

"It's okay" I awkwardly said and he nodded.

I decided to give him a hug and although it took him a second he reciprocated the action. We then pulled away and he got a worried look on his face.

"You won't tell Van will you?" He asked and I shook my head no. .

"I'd rather keep you alive Bob"

With that I headed into the bathroom.
Heyy Everyone!

Might post a few chapters today because I have like 8 prewritten including this one. Also I feel this story is moving very slow so updating a few more chapters might help move it along. What do you guys think? 🐊

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