Chapter 30

104 8 4

December 20th, 2015

《 LYLA 》

Two days had passed since the lads had met Charlie and only 5 days till Christmas. Last minute we all decided, Including the lads, to head to Llandudno. Benji, Bob, and Larry's families of course lived in Llandudno so it only made sense for them to come. However they were staying in Van's parents B&B as well.

Bondy's family lived way out of the way and they were on Vacation so this year he was coming with us. Arabella also was coming with us which meant she was gonna properly meet the Lads.

Van and Charlie were still asleep so I quickly threw on a pair of black High waisted skinny jeans, Vans black and blue sweater(I take it alot so he's become accustomed to it), and a pair of black boots. I put my hair in a simple bun before gathering all of our luggage. I put all of it by the front door before heading a silence shattering knock on the door.

I opened it up to reveal ,surprisingly enough, Bondy. He had 8 coffees in hand, a orange juice, and a bag of I'm guessing food. It amazed me how he manged to carry off of that without dropping it. I didn't question it but let him in right away.

"Come in, come in" I stepped aside as he thanked me rushing to put everything down on the coffee table.

"Where's the rest of the lids?" I asked as a grin formed on his face.

"Well.." Bondy said grinning like the Cheshire cat "I told them if they didn't get up I was gonna dump ice cold water on them and leave them there for then to walk here ... guess who's getting their daily exercise in at the moment and/or still drying off"

I laughed at what he did as I flopped down beside him "your cold know what's colder than cold?"Bondy waited knowing what I was gonna say " cold"

We both busted out laughing at my 'Outkast' reference as well as the pun. This however lead to waking up Charlie.

Charlie walked out of his room from his toddler bed rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Not saying anything he walked over to Bondy and climbed up onto his lap. He leaned his head on Bondy's chest amd wrapped his chubby little baby arms around Bondy. I silently aww'ed at the too and took my phone out.

Bondy's face showed how happy he was at the boys actions and hugged him back. After I snapped the picture Bondy directed his attention to the stuff on the coffee table then to the boy.

" Hungry Charlie?" He asked and he nodded yes.

"Yes uncy Bon" Charlie said sitting up as he yawned.

Bondy laughed at the boy and leaned forward holding him with one arm to make sure he didn't fall. He grabbed the bag and the orange juice. He handed the orange juice to Charlie then opened the bag then reaching into to it. He pulled a McDonald's biscuit out of it which I never allowed Charlie to have. I didn't want him to get sick or addicted to the food but I decided just to let my guard down.

"Here you are kind sir" Bondy talked in a posh voice making Charlie giggle.

After getting the boy settled with his food Bondy and I started talking.

"Tell me about this Arabella girl?" Bondy asked as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Well.." I trailed off trying to think of the right words "She's my age but will be turning 18 in she's funny, sweet, caring, and well Idk like she's very much like a hippie mind set but not entirely but she also loves to party...sometimes a little too much" Bondy's eyes lit up as I told him about my best friend.

"I think I've already fallen for her!"He exclaimed a little bit "what does she look like?"

He was acting like a little kid but couldn't help but giggle at him.

"She has green eyes and blonde hair but she's recently dyed it a pastel blue color and she also has a few piercings but they aren't much and um she's a bit taller than I am and shes small frame wise" I just shrugged my shoulders not knowing how to describe her.

"Oh god..." Bondy laughed a bit "She's everything I've ever wanted!"

Whelp let's hope she ends up feeling to same at some point.

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