Chapter 12

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2 months had passed by and Van and I had fallen more and more in love. I spent every weekend at his house and almost every afternoon. I managed to keep my grades up but just barely. Things had been going well until one Friday afternoon that is.

I had arrived home and usually no one was home so Van normally waited for me at my doorstep. From there I'd go grab my overnight bag then head to his. On this day in particular everyone was home.

I walked into the house thinking Van was probably running late but I noticed my family in the living room. You know who else was there sitting in a chair? Yes that's right, Van.

"Hello Mum...Dad" nervously I said walking alittle more in the living room.

They both had a pissed look on their face and I knew that I was in deep Shit.

"So Lyla when were you going to tell us about your much older boyfriend?" Mom asked setting her tea down.

"Oh well uh-" cutting me off was my dad pushing me against the wall.

"What the fuck do you think your doing? Huh?" He asked with such hostility I couldn't almost handle it.

I was about to say something but Van intervened, towering over my father.

"Don't touch her" Vans voice had a tone to it I've never heard him speak in before. You could tell he meant business that's for sure "I love her, take care of her, and make sure she's happy unlike you lot so don't you ever touch her like that again if you know what's good for ya"

My father in his eyes showed fear but his body language didn't. You could tell that my family was intimadated by Van. Although, yes Van was lovely and had a cuddly sorta vibe to him, he could use his height, voice, and drawn back stare to his advantage.

"Come on love let's go before I hurt someone" Van laced his hand with mine hand and led me over to the door as silence went across the house in a thick haze.

"If you go out that door don't ever plan to come back and think your part of this family" said my father in a sort of monotoned manner.

I looked back at my family mainly making eye contact with Jameson. You could tell he was heart broken to see me go. I then made my eye contact back to my father.

"was I ever really to begin with" I whispered and went out the door before Van.

We walked down the path before you could hear things behind us being thrown. We turned around and a box, a bag, and a closed crate of things were thrown out the front door. The door slammed shut and we went to hurriedly retrieve my things. Van grabbed the box as well as the bag and I had the crate and my bookbag.

"I love you Van" I whispered as we walked down the sidewalk.

"Love you till the end of time"

Van had officially been living at Larry's after my birthday a week after started dating Van. That being, we told Larry about my situation and he told me I was more than welcomed. "Not that you hadn't already been living here" he told me which was true. I really was before any of this happened.

I put my book bag on the back of the door as I knew it had my school things then looked at the other things that were thrown. In the bag was pretty much all of the little amount of clothes I had, the box contained everything I'd want if the house caught in fire like cds so on, and the crate had my record player and record collection.

So besides my furniture in my room this was all of my belongings. I put my stuff up in the room which while I did it was like my parents already planned to kick me out. I mean I had everything I'd ever want. I had my posters, clothes, CD's, Records, ect. Nothing was left behind really.

After I was finished I laid down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. I kinda laid their and thought about life. I was to an extent sad about what happened but to another I was absolutely happy about it. Besides the sound of the Arctic Monkeys playing in the background from my record player silence played across the apartment. Thankfully the guys gave me that.


After a very long time Van finally came and checked up on me. With a small knock and twist of the handle he came inside the room shutting g the door behind him. He walked to me and I sat up so he could sit beside me.

"You okay?do you need anything?" Asked Van but I shook my head.

"I'm just fine" I told him grabbing his hand.

I looked into those ocean eyes and melted into them. We went into for a kiss. Twice. Third. Fourth till it was a heated make out session. I climbed on his lap straddling his hips putting my hands all through his hair. He kept his hands on the small of my back till he pulled away.

"Is this what ya want? I know we've done it before but you'll remember this time so this is what will count I suppose" he asked with now crimson red cheeks.

"Yes I do" I panted kissing his lips then pulled away "I need my mind off things"

"Okay then" he then got me down on the bed then continuing with our session.

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