Chapter 15

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That night at the gig I watched the boys play which let my mind off things for a bit. It was nice seeing them play, although I have plenty times before, it's just watching Van play that really makes me happy. He plays with such passion as if it's the last show he'll ever play. They all did really.

However, being a girlfriend and knowing the lids, I was able to have as many free drinks as I wanted. That though came with something that wasn't good. I was upset inside over my mother which sometimes led me to do things I normally wouldn't. That being said I had unlimited drinks to numb that pain.

"Give me another pint good sir" I told the bartender drunk at this point.

"Anything for you little lady" the bartender poured me another pint and slid it over.

I all but chugged it down and when people saw that it left it to a game.

"I bet you couldn't chug one in under a minute" said a lad to the left of me.

I flipped my hair and turned to look at him. I earned a bunch of 'ooo's' from everyone at the bar.

"I bet I could chug two in less than a minute" he rolled his eyes playfully at me and turned away.

"I bet ya couldn't cause your a girl and I'd even give ya 20 pounds if ya could"

That's when it was on in my drunk state "two pints please" I told the bartender and that's what he did.

He poured two pints of beer as The lids played a Arctic Monkeys song.

"Ready, set, go!" People said and I began chugging.

I knocked one out very quickly and then started the second at the 40 second mark. I chugged as fast as I could although I felt so sloshy from all that I had previously drank. As I took the last sip time was up and I slammed the pint glass down. I heard cheers all around two people left me in the air.

I enjoyed the moment of victory as they spun me around. Once they put me down I put my hand out to the guy who placed the bet.

"Alright alright" he handed it over and I sauntered away. Well more like stumbled away but same difference.

I stumbled to the back where the guys had gotten ready at and grabbed my ciggies then went to the bar to smoke it. Once I finshed it I decided to go by the stage and watch. On the way their I felt as if my mind was shutting down and that's when everything fell back.

I hit the last chord to the song "Cocoon" that I had written for Lyla until I realized their was a scene unfolding in the middle of the bar. I felt a pit in my stomach and immediately put my guitar down then dashed to where everyone was crowiding around. I pushed through people with the lids right behind me.

I then saw my girl laying on the floor passed out. Some guy tending to her trying to wake her which made my jealously show.

"Get out the way" I shoved the guy and kneeled down on the floor next to her.

I grabbed her hand and checked her pulse.

"Get out the way" I picked her up and although I usually wouldn't have been so rude I yelled at people to get out of the way.

I rushed her outside and down the side walk. As soon as I saw the ambulance I flagged them down and they stopped. They got out of the car and got the gurney. They began tending to her and got me out of the way. I started to cry as I was so scared and tried telling them all I knew.

I woke up with the sun shining through making my headache hurt even worst. I heard beeps of heart monitors and immediately opened my eyes. I was in a hospital room with all the guys except for Van. They were all asleep in various places in the room.

The door opened and walked in a nurse as well as Van. Van looked at me and rushed over to me wrapping me in a hug.

"Thank god your okay" what?

"Why wouldn't I? What happened?"

He pulled away and the nurse began to explain.

"Last night you were drinking as you probably remember but you were drugged as well as got alcohol poisoning so the doctors had to pump your stomach once you arrived and you boyfriend here saved you in the nick of time by running you to the ambulance because a second later you would have been dead"

I felt my self tear up and nod. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that really happened and if I had been more careful none of this would have happened in the first place.

"Now you are free to go after the doctor does a quick check up and he should be here in less than ten" the nurse turned on her heels and then left.

I put my arms back around Van and tried to hold my tears in. " I'm sorry I should have been more careful I'm so sorry" I shakily spoke before looking at him.

He put his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"It's okay I'm not mad It wasn't your fault darling" Van consoled me as he rocked me back and forth.

"But I can only feel like it was" I cried in a emotional state I hadn't really experienced before "how could I have been so careless"

"Calm down love listen..Listen okay? You didn't do it on purpose will have to be careful next time alright?" At this point the lids had started to wake up which was probably from me crying.

Larry rushed over first to make sure I was okay and the other guys came over as well. In that moment I really saw how much they cared for me and how grateful I was to have them. They were my family.

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