Chapter 51

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I handed it to him. I handed it to him and felt as if I was going to be sick. I know Van loves Charlie and he loves being a dad but honestly I didn't know if he wanted another kid. There was a lot going on right now for the both us to add another McCann in the mix.

As he grasped his hands around it he opened his eyes slowly. At first he was confused until he took it in both hands and read, the registered, what it was. I wiped my face, as tears still poured, waiting for his reaction. He grinned immediately and started crying himself. He hugged me crying what I hoped to be tears of joy.

   "We're having another baby Lyla how could you be so sad?!" He asked me looking at me while he smiled so I now knew it was happy tears.

   I couldn't help but smile back and shrugged. He wiped his face and then mine before he stood up. He grabbed my hand standing me up as he hugged me so tightly as tears still ran down his face. Breaking our moment of happiness the door opened and the guys strolled right on in.

   "Where to put Char-" Bondy spoke before they all stopped and by all I mean the whole lot.

    Bondy,Benji,Bob,Larry,Mike,Owen, Dani, etc and so on. The whole Catfish crew was in there as we slowly turned to look at them. Van and I both in tears, holding each other, smiling. Van was also holding the pregnancy test in his hand, fully exposed to them all. They all looked at us as all of them were now in our room trying to add up the situation. Once they all had they all looked at each other before smiling.

    "Baby McCann number 2?" Benji asked us and we looked at each other grinning before Van spoke up.

   "Yes, Baby McCann number 2" Van told them wiping his happy tears away and I the same.

   They all cheered not minding the fact Charlie was asleep but Bondy took the responsibility to put him in the other room . Everyone congratulated us and we all celebrated. Alcohol was being passed around ,that I sadly couldn't drink anymore, and people just talking about the new addition to Van and I's beginning family and the Catfish Family. People bouncing around names and things they wanted to buy. Also the fact Van and I would need to find a place together as mine wasn't going to suite anymore.

   I was excited, nervous, and ready to start again in a way wth Van. Things were back on track and life was going to start getting really good again.

    "Now the big question as everyone here has been wondering the same"Dani started out" when are the two of you going to finally get married?" She asked as everyone started to agree.

   They all stared at us waiting for an answer but really the two of us didn't know the answer either. We hadn't discussed it much.

    "Uhhh...well we need to plan a wedding first and since we've been through such a long ride together it needs to be special...very special" Van told them before wrapping his arms around me so tightly.

    That's how our wedding would be, very special and very beautiful.


December 2016

    6 months pregnant and I was now getting ready to start entering the third trimester of my pregnancy. The baby hadn't moved yet to where I could feel it so I had went to the doctor about it. The baby was perfectly fine and healthy but she said the baby just hadn't yet. Other than the baby the past couple months have been crazy. When Van wasn't in between touring, we were preparing heavily for our future.

    We had finally bought our own house which was located in London. It's a beautiful two story house with 4 bedrooms, a basement, and everything else you need. It was quite spacious and perfect for us. It even had a pretty big garden for Charlie to play in and one day, the baby. The lads had all gotten their own apartments located near by but really they stayed the night at Van and I's house 95% of the time. The house was big enough and I enjoyed having them around anyways so I didn't mind.

   Now for the wedding we decided to plan that for after the baby is born. The baby was to be born in late April, beginning of March, so we scheduled our Wedding at the end of March. It would be perfect and I couldn't wait.

    Bring me back to reality of everything I felt my stomach have a funny feeling. Till I realized the baby was finally moving. I grabbed Vans arm and started shaking him awake. He immediately shot awake and looked at my happy face.

    "Yes babe?" He asked sleepily smiling at me.

    I grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach where I could mainly feel the movement. It took him a second but once he realized he started crying tears of joy.

    "Thats my baby" he spoke smiling and wiping his tears and now mine.

  As we sat in silence, admiring the moment, he finally spoke back up.

  "We should go ahead and find out the sex of the baby"

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